Yet another child grooming scandal has erupted in Telford, to add to Rotherham, Rochdale, Newcastle, Peterborough....
I've already talked about these before, but people have to understand that this is a cultural norm in the countries that the members of the grooming gangs come from. This is not an abberrant part of Muslim society that is carrying out these atrocities.
It is rooted in Muslim culture or Sharia that Muslim women in general are second class citizens, lower in status to male Muslims. The qualification on those terms are correct: Muslim men come before Muslim women, then other people in the eyes of Muslim culture, all are lower in status. Non-believers, infidels are lower status, easy targets and do held up to be the same standard as believers.
Non-Muslim females are at the bottom of the heap, which is why the rest of the Muslim cummunity ignores the issue and lets the males get on with it. It's cultural racism.
There needs to a be a conspiracy law draughted to make it an offence to knowingly withhold action. Wives, girlfriends, family and friends need to be held culpable and prosecutions need to start happening, so the wider Muslim community is sent the message that gang rape and grooming of non-Muslim girls is unnaceptable and cannot simply have a blind eye turned to it. Just the same has been done for terrorist offences, so why not something serious like gang rape of under age females?
After decades of laws and policy nudging UK attitudes into acceptance of immigrants, it's about time some nudging was done to modify Muslim attitudes to non-believers.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
3 hours ago