Back in 2009 I blogged about censorship and especially the newly enshrined in law Criminal Justice and Immigration Act and especially the parts of the act referencing the prohibition of viewing violent pornography.
I said at the time, the act was so broad in it's description of what was proscribed, that it could make it illegal to view online anything the Government deemed unsuitable. Violent Pornography was the useful excuse to enact the law (I mean it's bad, really bad, so we should ban it, right?), but the wording of the law enacted was so broad in scope that it could quite easily be applied to anything, including political viewpoints (oh bugger, you didn't see that coming did you?) (well yes I did actually).
We had the news via Breitbart that the governments considering making the viewing of "far right" material illegal. |No need to enact new law, the law is already there thanks to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act. With law already enacted you could drive a coach and horses through it, or get even a half-decent lawyer to argue "watching puppies do the cutest things" on the internet illegal, the Government can just change their interpretation of the law and they're good to go and round up the troublemakers and lock them up for a decade or more.
But who determines what is "Far Right"? Nigel Farage is termed far right by many newspapers... are we to be banned from listening to him? President Trump and the Republican party in the US is termed far right in their views. Are they to become illegal?
Tommy Robinson is termed far right by many and the term sticks because he is a minority of one and hasn't the political or financial power to change that. But will it become illegal to listen to his message?
Just who decides where the line is crossed from right of centre to far right and how clear will that border be defined. Who has that authority? The Government? Will they be issuing leaflets to every household explaining what groupthink is expected of them so they can avoid prosecution? Will it be the Police and their officers (those bastions of probity) that will arbitrarily enforce the law when told by political masters?
This news and the news of the recent refusal to allow Lauren Southern, Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone into the UK show that there is a concerted movement to stifle free speech against the current globalist agenda.
Muslim Immigrants and Antifa are the useful stooges that allow the Government to stifle debate. Tommy Robinson calls out Muslim extremism and hate speech and he is labelled far right and racist. The trio detained at the weekend have Conservative Christian views, are threatened by Antifa and are detained at the border to remove the violence threatened against them (rather than detaining those that threaten violence).
It seems that the agenda to promote the globalist viewpoint to the exclusion of others is well advanced.
The continued mutterings from the Elite about ignoring the Brexit referendum result or making the deal so unpalatable that people clamour to remain, or a second referendum or commons vote on the final option are all part of the same agenda. Disallowing democracy and freedom of speech, promoting the global elitist viewpoint. Making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Also when it gets to censorship of political viewpoints, what I said a few days ago about the cornerstones of democracy (free speech and political freedom) are badly eroded this week.
They Really Don’t Like It Up ‘Em, Do They?
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act *prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color and national origin* in federally assisted programs or
4 minutes ago
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