It seems that yet again we're hearing of yet another child sexual exploitation scandal.
The Mirror broke the story, which by all reports is horrendous. Cases go back to the Eighties, involve several hundred girls being abused and also significantly deaths associated with the abuse cases.
We all know that these rings are predominantly run by Muslim men and hushed up by their community. Such is their warped sense of "community" no one outside the grooming gangs thought to help stamp it out. The Muslim community, by their inaction sanctioned this behaviour. I've seen it in Action up North.
Of course the BBC grudgingly report the news, without once mentioning the word Muslim. But that's par for the course these days. The media are running scared of mentioning the M-word, just in case someone does a Charlie-Hebdo on them.
The Police too are running scared, so political have they become that upholding the law is secondary to tax collection and polictial correctness. God forbid they are actually caught enforcing the law. I mean, social workers were yet again telling Police the stories, gaining evidence and the Police did nothing. I guess being glorified tax extractors and rent-a-bullies are all we can expect from them.
If the question is not raised at PMQs this Wednesday, then it will be an even bigger scandal.
If deaths can be proven and the inactivity of the Police is also proven, then the line has been crossed. Enough is enough. Telford should be looking closely at John Campion, it's elected Police and Crime Commissioner. If necessary electing an official with the backbone to act.
They never sleep, never rest
One thing you could never accuse the devil of is being lazy … the minions
never sleep, never rest, they’re in control of everything vital, not unlike
a can...
1 day ago
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