I thought I might post a bit on 2009 as regards this blog.
Currently traffic is exceedingly low, not even reaching the dizzy heights of 50 views per day. But hey, I'm not in this for fame or anything, so no great issue with that.
However, I must say thanks to all the people that have links to my blog. Thanks for stopping by and deeming me worthy of a link. Thanks also to those that follow my blog, all 10 of you! A special mention to those of you who comment on my blogs, I do value them.
As you may have noticed, (Well Subrosa's noticed!) I'm on a bit of a roll at the moment, so possibly the blogging juices are flowing again. I think the snow has cheered me up. Personally 2009 has been a pretty crap year, so I've not been in the best frame of mind to blog. Hopefully 2010 will change that. To be honest, in an election year, if I can't find something to blog about regularly I should be shot! Hopefully I can keep all of you interested and coming back for more.
There were some interesting nuggets in the stats for the site: I was visited by people from the Houses of Parliament, the European Commission, and a couple of other government departments. Including an American one that was very interested in a post of mine back in December. I've been visited by policy think-tanks, quangoes, government (and private) researchers and spooks. There are some other interesting developments related to visitors, but I'm currently investigating those. Who said stats are boring!
So, I've ranted for most of the year, been wildly off the mark at times, but also been right on the money at others. I hope 2010 will be just as interesting!
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
5 hours ago