Just musing as I was this morning on the shitshow in the House of Commons, the Continuing Crapfest that is Politics in the USA, it struck me that the cause of all of this is emotion, or more accurately the triumph of emotion over reason and fact.
I've blogged before how News reporting has morphed over the years to something more akin to TV drama. Because 24 hour news is pretty bloody boring, the networks have to keep you hooked lest you switch to something more interesting like the paint-drying channel.
So the News networks caught on that "having an angle" or adding an element of drama to a news report keeps viewers engaged. Poor Johhny down the well... will he be rescued? That sort of thing.
It quickly spread to more mundane news and of course into the realm of political reporting. Invariably the TV station picks a side and then from then on that side wears a white hat and the opposition wears a black hat. More often than not, the TV stations tend to favour the left, because the Luvvies are more ideologically aligned to the left.
This explains the Tories bad/ Labour good dichotomy in the UK and the "Orange-Man Bad" bias in the US.
Even if the Tories in the UK came out with the most left-leaning policy in their entire history, you can bet that the BBC would report it as bad news. It could be open door for migrants and free cash for everyone, but it's onloy good if the Left do it. If the right do it, there must be a hidden agenda, cheap labour, buying votes, yadda yadda…
The thing is the shitshow in the Commons this week shows how the Politicians on the left have cottoned on to this and have started to exploit it. For instance Labour can be the nastiest, most racist ant-semitic bunch of people in the country, but they have learned to feign horror when the most minimal slight or bad word is sent their way.
Such was the sight in the Commons where even the word "Turkey" as in Jeffery Cox's comment "even these Turkeys won't vote for Christmas" referring to those in Parliament refusing to allow a General Election was taken as offensive.
If that's offensive to Mps, then we need more robust MPs in Parliament. Because if the word Turkey is offensive, God only knows what sort of vapours they'll display if they ever have to debate a subject of substance and offence, like child rape or murder.
This mock drama, the imitation offence has to stop. It adds nothing to the debate and is purely there to close down debate and speech.
” I'm struggling to understand what has caused this…”
Sometimes you read something that just, well....
A former animal shelter worker who attempted to sell human toes coughed up
by the dog of a dead man has *...
7 hours ago