Yesterday's pantomime in Parliament shows what a farcical decision it was by the judges to de-prorogue it. The remainers got their way, but are they happy of the spectacle before us yesterday? Are they satisfied of the performance of their MPs?
I wouldn't be. I'm pretty bloody disgusted at the whole shower of them. Like cowardly Hyenas sniping at the lion, they brayed and booed, but Boris stood as firm as he could.
Those that went to the Supreme Court spent all that money for this? Are they really happy with the outcome? Surely MPs having been given the time back, should use it wisely and watchers should not have to endure the spectacle we witnessed yesterday.
Quite rightly Boris called them out on their cowardice: Call for a vote of no confidence, agree to an election and lets settle this once and for all....
Now that the turncoat MPs have nailed their colours to the mast it should be easier for the electorate to vote for their preferred option. No hiding behind party manifestoes and the nonsense of having a different opinion (I'm referring to Soubry, Grieve et al). When a party has such a slim majority, then it's incumbent on the members of that party to stand with it, not against it.
Now have a proper, reasoned debate in the run up to the European Council in October, or have an election. One or the other. I DO NOT want to see the sorry shower of cowards braying like Donkeys.
Have the fucking faith in your position and go to the people with it and test your position in an election or shut the fuck up!
They Really Don’t Like It Up ‘Em, Do They?
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act *prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color and national origin* in federally assisted programs or
6 hours ago
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