Back on my blog in September 2016, I posted this rather prescient blog in September of 2016.
I was talking of a Remainer Coup. Especially these paragraphs:
"Which is why we have to be wary against the stitch-up. If the political parties are aligning (or being aligned against their will) to weaken or even reverse Brexit, us, the public need to be on point, on guard and watching what happens over the next few months.
Sadly it seems that the way things are aligning, the Tories will deliberately botch things, UKIP will be weakened and unable to mount a controlling influence and the only true opposition will be a bunch of rabid socialists that no-one will ever consider voting for, thereby eliminating that threat to the destruction of the Brexit ideal."
We were back then, in the phoney war, just after the decision to Exit the EU and the media were going full swing into promoting every remainer march, tweet or meeting.
In it I said to be wary of the coup the establishment , the people of the elite that have the ear of government were plotting.
I never thought it would be this messy or take this long, but finally the elite I think, have got their way.
The judgement by the Supreme Court lays before us the mechanism of tyranny: the judges are supreme. and therefore sovereign. And there's us thinking it was us the people, or the democratically elected government, or even maybe Parliament as a whole that was sovereign. It could have even been the Queen herself. But no, it is 11 unelected judges that have sat in judgement on a democratically elected government. Judges sitting at the behest of millionaires and billionaires that have decided what government is and isn't able to do on our behalf.
Above Government, above Parliament, above even the Queen, the Supreme Court has established itself. It has established itself as the arbiter of government policy. It can second guess what any particular government was thinking when it made a judgement and enacted policy and if necessary quash that policy. It can now cancel any government policy the rich requires cancelling.
The judges have allowed the rich to overthrow the poor.
Just as climate change allows the transfer of money from the poor in energy tariffs to the rich who are trading in Carbon Credits on the Stock exchange.
Just as the Gordon Brown Government bailed out the richest in the country: the bankers. To the tune of Billions of pounds they propped up the banks owned by the rich.
Make no mistake, this the rich saying "stuff you" to the poor. There will be no Brexit worthy of the name. Parliament will keep this Zombie government in power just long enough to get their way and overturn the will of the people in 2016.
Hopefully the time will come where we are allowed our voice and we can elect a new government and Parliament. All I ask is you think very carefully who you vote for, who you think really has the interests of the people at heart, the person who truly has democracy as their priority.
As we did on the 23rd of June 2016, the ordinary people of the UK need to stand up and be counted.
We need to vote and vote as one voice. All 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU need to vote once again. When we vote we will remember who it was that killed our vote.
We will not stand for this.
They Really Don’t Like It Up ‘Em, Do They?
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act *prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color and national origin* in federally assisted programs or
32 minutes ago
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