It now appears to be getting clearer the spat within Reform is about immigration. Rupert Lowe wants zero immigration and an organised deportation of those illegal immigrants already here.
Nigel Farage doesn't want to go that far.
Excuse me? The guy that wants to stop the boats and did chauffeur-driven tours of hotels being converted into migrant camps doesn't want to stop spending the millions of pounds of our money being paid to house the migrants?
What exactly does he want then?
Because Nigel talks the talk, but whatever he appears to signal, isn't the thing you're getting if you back him.
Basically it's the same as saying Brexit is easy and then forgetting the complexities around Northern Ireland. Whether contrived or not, he should have had answers to N.I. ready formed, before he glibly said that Brexit was simple.
But here we go again, Nigel chants "Stop the boats!", people think he means stop immigration, but actually if you dig deeper...
I did say that I'd had enough of Nigel. I got sucked in to UKIP last time and I refused to join whatever entity (party, corporation, subscriber list) that Reform is.
I hope that this time around, Farage is seen for what I see him as: a distraction, a decoy, a mouthpiece that says the right thing. Someone that says one thing, but in reality does something quite different.
People are now calling him controlled opposition, and I can see that. But if he is someone that is put in place to guide the right of centre away from power, who is controlling or funding him? Are we going to see someone digging deep into Reform's finances and uncovering skeletons like Soros?
Right now it appears to me that Nigel had been nobbled. I've said before that the signs are he's a lot more moderate on the Islam question that he appears to be.
Is that a question of funding, or is a it more an acceptance of reality that the UK will become Islamic in a decade or so and he'd rather like to be a friend of the Mullahs rather than an enemy? Because we know what happens to anyone that the Mullahs perceive as an enemy don't we?
I really need Nigel to come clean as to his intentions. Is he for saving our Judeo-Christian values, or not? Is he for the protection of Women's rights, or is he happy for them to become second-class citizens under Islamic rule? He needs to stop playing with the future of the UK, there is too much at stake.
We need transparency from Reform NOW. What exactly is their game?
Because we really only have the next election to save the UK and to preserve our Western civilisation.