Okay, here goes.
Is it evil to deliberately condemn your daughter to a life with fewer rights than you?
Is it evil to deliberately condemn your granddaughter to a life as a second class citizen?
Is it evil to undo the centuries worth of hard-fought women's rights just so you can look good?
To me it is pure evil. It's the worst kind of evil to deliberately destroy your children's future just to look good to your neighbours or the dinner party circuit.
Is it evil to condemn your country to a future of unenlightened radical religious zealotry?
As they say, ignorance is no defence. You cannot defend accepting millions on Muslim immigrants into the country to look sanctimonious and not understand the consequences of your actions for future generations. If that's your defence, you are worse than evil. You are evil and a willing idiot.
I cannot comprehend how people cannot see what is happening before their own eyes. Are they really so blind? Or are they ignoring the consequences of their actions?
Can they not see things that are happening now and extrapolate what the future would be like?
Are they happy to submit to Muslim rule then? Are they happy for their female children and grandchildren to second-class citizens?
Are they waiting for someone else to do something about it?
Are they really that evil?
I guess so. I can see it, a significant number of people can see it, but why do the middle classes think it's acceptable to virtue your country into oblivion?
Do they really have no conviction, no patriotism, no sense of religion? Are they so morally bankrupt?
Genuine questions. I guess even the middle classes can't answer me because they don't see the evil in their stance. To them they are being kind, politically correct, virtuous, you name it. Without looking at the future.
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