Friday 14 June 2024

Reform Past the Tories in the Polls?

 According to some, Nigel Farage's Reform party have passed the Tories in the Polls. We was claiming in the last TV debate that Reform are now the opposition. 

Can Reform do the impossible and beat Labour?

Are Labour still so toxic that ordinary people refuse to vote for them?

We still remember the Blair reforms around the law which made it harder for ordinary folk to get justice, unless you could employ a (if there a blame there's a claim - another Blair invention) lawyer to work on their behalf and claim expenses later.

We still remember the shutting down of social and economic mobility enacted by Labour. Those of us at the bottom of the pile have had less of a chance of getting a well-paid job, thanks to Labour.

They want us to be on benefits, so much easier to control us. They don't care we are on zero-hours contracts or minimum wage. They serve their corporate paymasters just like the Tories. I can only wish that Reform do well. Sadly I can heard the media knives being sharpened ready for the backstabbing to begin.