Thursday, 28 May 2020

The Cummings Covid Witchhunt

So, Dominic Cummings drove 260 miles to Durham to drop his kids of with family members because he feared he and his wife would be infected by the government officials that were (at that time) dropping like flies.

Given that government medical advisors had already said that childcare provision was a allowed exception, I find all the hoohah a bit confusing. Durham Police say in one breath that he didn't break the law, but then say he might have made a "minor" breach of the rules. Go figure: the Police, always people you can rely on to pander to the mob.

Not that anyone outside the Westminster bubble gives a shit. Most people are getting on with their lives and applying common sense to their social distancing. Yes, we were still all going out. Yes, we were still visiting family during lockdown (albeit taking at a distance). You can't completely cut yourself off when the daughter can't get bog roll. Nipping round to their house with a pack and chucking it over the garden wall for them to pick up is what anyone with common sense would do.

Yes, 80-year-old granny will have to sit it out alone in her care home, but as long as the carers follow the guidelines they should be safe. But then again the guidelines depend on what status the care home is, government guidelines at the time.... yadda-yadda. My 88-year old mum is still shopping at Asda round the corner on an almost daily basis. If she cops it, so be it, she says. Her husband (my step-dad) died last year so there's not much for her to look forward to. She says it's like waiting for God, so why not live a little on the riskier side of life? That's pragmatism right there.

It's only the zealots like the over-officious Police people, or the sanctimonious, hypocritical activists masquerading as journalists that actually give a shit. Handing out fine for nothing and attempting to get people sacked for not doing anything wrong.

Fuck the Police and Fuck the officials, Common sense rules. Dominic Cummings, just like millions of other sensible people made a risk assessment and decided he could get to Durham and back with infecting anyone. Just like sensible people assess risk every day and make a judgement. Without hinderance. It's called freedom and thank God that currently, the majority of us are able to exert it.

It's a pity the small -minded few can't exist without rules governing their life and insist on those of us with more sensible and independent brains to get on with our lives.

COVID-19: Post-Infection

I've lready said that the optimum outcome for people is to stay uninfected by COVID-19. The reason being we can't predict the side-effects of infection in the future.

As with most viruses, once infected the virus stays in the body and the body learns to cope and defend itself against the virus.

The problem is this virus, should it ever gain momentum even in the slightest could then cause any one of the number of untold effects whilst infecting Epithelial or Endothelial cells.

Not only from the virus itself, but any opportunistic infections occurring as a result of the damage the virus does to cells.

An example being the damage it does to the lining of the lung, which then allows bacteria to infect the lung and cause bacterial pneumonia.

These are the sort of things that we need to be aware of post-infection: a higher than normal risk of blood clots, skin conditions, eye conditions, joint conditions and of course lung conditions.

Unfortunately a vaccine will not mitigate these effects, the live virus is already in the system and ready to pounce if even the body's immunity falters for a second.

I've already noted that since my infection, I've had issues with my eyes. The problems of crusty eyes and conjunctivitis-like symptoms persist even now weeks after the initial infection.

The ongoing symptoms also impact the NHS and it's capacity and costs, as an infected population put more demand on it to deal with ongoing symptoms.

This ain't over, even when it's over.