Monday 19 August 2024

Is Islamophobia Real?

A Phobia is an "irrational fear" of something. 

For instance spiders, or crossing bridges. Given the inherent safety of bridges and the inability (in the UK) of spiders doing you serious harm, then you'd call those irrational fears.

Islamophobia refers to an irrational fear of Muslims. I don't fear all Muslims. I have Muslims in my family. 

I do however fear a certain type of Muslim, who has designs on taking over my country. That is not an irrational fear. It is very rational. I fear the UK being taken over by a group that will set women's rights back 200 years. A group that will end free speech. A group that will end religious freedom. Those are not irrational fears. Those are things that have happened in every single country that turned from Christian to Muslim. 

Those Muslims have already harnessed the Muslim block vote to influence UK politics. Now all political parties are in thrall to the Muslim requirements. To do otherwise is to commit political suicide.

Without the Muslim block vote you cannot win elections.

The main political parties are now in debt to the Muslims, in many ways. They have to side with the Muslims on everything.

I rationally fear for the future of my country. I have seen others subsumed by the Islamic ideology. Others too have a rational fear of Muslims and Islamic ideology in general. If it gains primacy in this country, then it will set the many rights and freedoms we have back centuries. 

Magna Carta? Gone.

Women's rights? In the dustbin.

Freedom of speech? Gone.

Religious Freedom? Ended.

Maybe those in power don't give a toss, maybe they think they have the money to move away when the shit hits the fan. Maybe they think they can buy power and influence. 

All I know is that the political class in this country have only one goal: winning at all costs. If that means they are in bed with the Muslims, it seems, so be it. If that means the country becomes less safe, less tolerant, less free, so be it. The goal is power. At all costs, including the lives of the majority.

Yeah, that's not an irrational fear.

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