Not sure why this popped in my head, but these things do occasionally.
There's a huge conundrum about the lack of dark matter in the universe.
Well, what if dark matter exists outside our ability to consciously observe it until we actually observe it and "fix" it in time and space?
For instance, there could be multiple universes just slightly ahead of us in time and the choices we make then "fix" the direction or path through the multiverse our decision makes.
Up until that time there are several multiverses worth of matter that are available, but they only become available after the fact. A bit like a ship ploughing a wake through a still sea. The wake can be in many directions but the ship only encounters the molecules of that bit of sea it glides through. Many more molecules are undisturbed by the passing of the ship and those that are disturbed become moved by the wake of the ship (what we define as the past).
If that were the case, there is always a boundary between the observable and unobservable universe (the stuff just outside the wake of the ship). There are a variety of experiments that defy current logic and it could be these that observe the effects of the sea just beyond the wake...
Inflation, the effect of the universe expanding and the galaxies accelerating away from the centre of the universe could be the effect of the unobservable universe just beyond the wake as our ship travels through time.
Even time itself could be the dark energy that scientists are looking for. We just travel through it and don't perceive it as energy or matter.
Hmm, I really should sleep at night....
They Really Don’t Like It Up ‘Em, Do They?
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act *prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color and national origin* in federally assisted programs or
36 minutes ago
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