Monday 23 September 2024

Labour Budget: Are we Being Gaslighted?

All I heard from Rachael Reeves was exactly the opposite of what she's planning to do. 

I can understand the braying crowd of supporters taking in the aspirational sunny uplands speech, but those more cynical amongst us know what's coming.

Some of us also know what's being said in the meeting rooms of the Labour party. It's not good.

I've always said the Labour party is the party of jealousy. It made a switch from that in the first months of the Blair presidency, but then it slipped back to type.

Now there's no mask. They are going after those people they see as legitimate targets. Undeserving, unproductive pensioners were the first in the crosshairs.

Reeve's speech mentioned the closing of non-dom loopholes. Really? You're going to bugger things up for your biggest donors? Yeah, I don't think so.

Like I said, I feel like I'm being gaslighted. Labour talk a good talk, but you know damn sure that what they say will not be what they do.

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