Not sure how it affects the British Parliament in Westminster, but a Scottish court has declared the prorogation of Parliament unlawful.
They say that are convinced the prorogation was for the "improper purpose of stymying Parliament".
Completely ignoring the fact that Prorogation happens every year at conference time anyway and the extension to allow the Queen's speech is a mere four days. I bet her Madg' isn't impressed one of her courts is playing fast and loose with the constitution, the government's intent and context.
But then again, Scottish courts have a habit of ignoring context and making up the intentions of defendants. Re: Count Dankula.
Interesting: does that mean all the Scottish MPs can return to Parliament to sit and twiddle their thumbs while the English MPs stay away as commanded by the Queen?
This really is the mother of all constitutional fuckups.
So really, what this all says is: you can vote for anyone you want, but if someone has the money to pay the court costs, they can stymy any government voted into power and even worse reverse the democratically voted intention of the population.
I want the details of where I can find a bunch of guys that know how to operate challenger tanks and where the ammo is stored. They also need to know where the small arms are and their ammo. I want a people's army. No fucking about, I want heavy armour and I want a properly equipped Army.
We may need to go to war with these cunts. A proper, fighting war....
Indeed we need tanks on the Westminster lawn.
Democracy only works with the consent of the losers. They have refused to consent. It seems now is the time to enforce democracy.
This thing’s not unlike the Eloi and Morlocks
It does seem to me that there are some quite fundamental things missing
from this account from a lady in a “quiet market town”:
At 5pm today in the middl...
1 day ago
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