Wednesday 4 November 2020

USA 2020: Why Trump almost lost the Election (and could still lose it)

Trump's main failing prior to the presidential election was to not deal with the persuasive nature of the far-left's arguments.

I can see why the arguments are compelling: more equity, more equality. Let's all be the same. Pay the same, get the same rewards. Without mentioning it's essentially Communism.

But the arguments are persuasive to normal tax earners that are seeing the likes of Google, Amazon et al pay minimal tax. For instance if Amazon can essentially decide how much tax they are willing to pay, why can't the mom-and-pop shop in the high Street? Without equality, there is unfair competition.

Trump needs to start addressing the inequality on the tax system that allows big corporations to pay miniscule tax. Otherwise the socialist/communist message of the rich fat cats getting better deals and paying less is going to continue to resonate with the population and embolden the radical socialists.

He also needs to start addressing the huge bailouts paid to corporations during the covid pandemic. Money the corporations were supposed to use to keep people in jobs, but instead kept for themselves and still laid people off. If I was Trump, I'd be looking for legislation to claw that money back and more from the big corporations. With incentives for US production. basically you get clobbered if you produce in China and import, but you get a sweet deal if you produce in the US and keep American jobs. With incentives all the way down to mom-and-pop on the high street.

It's time Trump gave the person in the street the same tax breaks as Amazon, Facebook or Google. 

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