Monday 29 July 2024

Tommy Robinson - Getting to the Endgame.

Yesterday Tommy Robinson had his rally of Patriots in Trafalgar Square. 

During the rally he showed the documentary that he'd been prevented from showing lest he be charged with contempt of court.

Tommy had complied with the instructions of the court and had not released the documentary. 

It was released and was shown some months ago in the USA. Tommy denies he was involved in the release. 

However, even though he denies he was involved, he was summoned to court to answer to charges of contempt. He was due to go to court either today or tomorrow. 

Yesterday evening, he was arrested and charged under the Terrorist Offences Act. 

Under this act you do not have the right to stay silent. You have to answer all questions put to you.

Not only that you have to surrender any devices and give passwords.

I think that's what the Police were after. If for instance they could arrest Tommy under the TOA, seize his phone and get access to it, they could then by the back door confirm if he had instigated the release of the documentary in the USA or not. It's a fishing exercise and a way to gather evidence without a warrant and without enough evidence to attain a warrant. It's a misuse of the TOA.

"Oh, look, just by chance we found communication with the guy in the USA" would say the Police. 

In America I assume that evidence gathered in such a way as part of the TOA arrest would be inadmissible in a separate contempt case. But not here in the UK. Any evidence trawled up by one enquiry would be submitted by the Crown Prosecution in the contempt case.

Tommy realised they were going to try and prosecute him for contempt for something he did not do, so as a big "Fuck You!" to the court and the Judge in this week's case. If they are going to jail him for something he didn't do, then he may as well do it. At least he knows what he did.

The Establishment are shitting themselves. They themselves have released Tommy. He has lost his home, his business and his family and he is still not a broken man. In fact they have made him more determined. He's that sort of guy.

He is now a loose cannon, he is free in the sense he has no fear of prison or of anything else the establishment do to him. To the establishment he is very dangerous.

There is now a battle of Wills. Tommy doesn't care. And that scares the Establishment more than anything...

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