Wednesday 31 July 2024

Violence Overnight in Southport. Tensions are Quite Rightly High.

There were so-called Riots in Southport overnight. People were protesting at a local Mosque against yet another Muslim (we may not yet know his name) causing yet another atrocity and stabbing kids this time.

Enough is enough. We had a Soldier stabbed last week, we had Gay people Stabbed in Reading Years ago, we had stabbings in London.

Every time the authorities cry "Mental Health". It's wearing a bit thin. These are all Muslims, all young men of a similar age to those coming across the channel in boats. 

If the authorities are so certain this is a problem with mental health and not a certain ideology, then why are not all the men coming across the channel screened for mental health issues?  After all, if that's the reason, lets start screening them and make sure we do not allow any more mentally ill men into the country. Or at the very least put them in secure mental health hospitals so they cannot stab people.

Or, as I suspect, the authorities using the "Mental Health" tag as a euphemism for a particularly violent ideology? 

Then we heard that the un-named man (albeit 17 years old) was "known" to the authorities.

In what way exactly?

Is this yet another Muslim, an Islamic extremist, a radicalised man known to the authorities for watching certain content online maybe, or associating with various radical groups? Is yet another such person, known to the authorities who did what? Exactly what did they do to or with this guy? Did they have a word with him, let him know he was on their radar? Did they just ignore him? Did they ignore all the other "Mentally Ill" extremists who killed people?

The Southport stabbings are a major failing by the authorities and I think this is a high enough visibility case now to start asking questions of those authorities as to what they are doing to prevent another attack like this.

We need to make it known we will no longer tolerate blind eyes being turned when it comes to Islamic extremists, whatever the authorities deem their mental state.

The Police quite rightly copped the anger of the mob in Southport. This is a failing by the Police at a very basic level. Failing to protect the ordinary citizen from those that would do us harm.

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