Friday 26 July 2024

The Death of the West. But Who Wields the Dagger?

There has been much spoken on Social Media about the death of the West and most point to the excellent Spy Yuri Besmenov and his interview where he raises points on how the Soviet Union plans to destroy the West from Inside. The points he raised almost perfectly track the current capture of the institutions that form the pillars of Western Society.

But why would Russia continue with such a plan? Especially now, given that if the West and European civilisation collapses, it is most likely to be replaced by a Muslim society? A society that isn't exactly aligned with Russia.

Is this a plan that others have usurped? Or others have taken advantage of? Have Russia been outplayed?

It's an interesting mind-game to go through exactly who wins when the West dissolves, as looks most likely now. 

I can see the tipping point is way too close. The Muslim minority have exploited their political power through their block vote, the left have allied themselves with that block vote and have bent over backwards to institute policies that favour the Muslim vote over the majority. Used as patsies, the time is close when the left no longer need to be used as a vehicle to gain votes, or to play the oppressed victim in order to garner sympathy and support from the left.

The rise of the Muslim party of the UK is very close.

The Workers Party of Britain, the George Galloway vehicle is a way of raising a kite to see if a Muslim party could in fact fly. If you look at the WPoB candidate list, only 10-20% were western names. The rest were primarily Muslim sounding names. Ostensibly campaigning on the issue of Gaza, the WPoB were a Muslim party in disguise. 

The Green Party used a Muslim candidate who shouted support for Gaza and Allu Akbar when he won his seat. As a local councillor. Not sure how Gaza and Islam help ALL the citizens of Rochdale exactly.

That's a  clear sign that seats in certain areas cannot be won with a Western Candidate or Western Values. Elsewhere with such, the greens cannot win any more than a very small minority. With a Muslim candidate in a Muslim area, they win. 

What of the Elites that are at best allowing this soft takeover or at worse actively encouraging it? I think they have an inkling that things are going to get a lot worse. The number of billionaires building substantial bunkers has increased. They know something that the population don't.

Would America allow a Muslim-controlled Europe to continue to control nuclear weapons? I doubt it. Would Russia? I VERY much doubt it.

I'm sure there will be a plan involving the removal (or neutralisation a-la Israel and Iran) of nukes from European control. I doubt any Muslim-controlled government will voluntarily relinquish control, so any "removal" of nuclear weapons from the active arsenal may have to be via more active or destructive means. 

In the next 10-15 years UK Submarine skippers may find themselves having to decide whether to drive their subs and surrender them to the US, or face being sunk by American subs. 

The US may have to decide what to do with our Nuclear bomb and cruise missile warheads if we have any. Will our nuclear weapon facilities be destroyed by force?

What happens to France's nuclear deterrent if they fall to Muslim control? 

If America can't stomach bombing an ex-ally, I'm sure the Russians would have no such misgivings, especially as with the fall of Europe, they'd be surrounded on all sides by Muslim countries. That's a huge front to secure and the risk of nuclear proliferation between Muslim countries would increase massively if a major nuclear power became Muslim.

Would Russia unilaterally strike a nuclear-equipped, Muslim-controlled UK or France?

These are the questions I hope that governments around the world are looking at. 

But back to the start. Who wins by all of this? Is this a Russian psyop? Has it been co-opted by the Muslims, or is it just a lucky coincidence that Muslims have started to arrive in the West in huge numbers just at the time the Russian plan starts to bear fruit? Why are the Elites still carrying on with this? Do they think we'll have a bit of a civil war and all will be fine? If there is a Civil War, who will support the Western side?

Who will win, Communism or Islam? 

Right now, governments need to start thinking on what is happening really seriously. America needs to understand that there are no facilities for the West to win an "active" takeover. We have no guns or weapons of any kind available to our side. The Muslim fundamentalists I know for sure are arming themselves, supported by the Gulf States. 

The majority in the West have no weapons training. The Muslims had ISIS, which was essentially a bloody training camp for extreme violence and use of weapons. 

At what point do you think an armed, trained and very motivated Muslim minority could take over an unarmed, unprepared Christian majority? You think we are close? How long do you think we have? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? You think any of the Christians marching for Gaza understand what is coming? Will they have the will to fight for Western values? The evidence appears they don't.

I've seen this play out in a number of countries previously and the results are not good for Christians. I'm reminded of Lebanon and their history of transition.

The transition to any Islamic fundamentalist regime does not go peacefully.

I would hope the Americans are looking at this very carefully and the CIA are actively involved. 

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