Monday 26 September 2022

Lefty Snowflakes Up in Arms That Italy has Voted a Right-Wing Party into Power.

As we speak Jeremy Vine is prattling on about how bad it is that Italy has voted a supposedly "Far-Right" party into power in Italy.

So what? At a basic level, the BBC have no right to criticise a country that has voted a party into power during democratic elections. 

At a basic level, that is what the people of Italy have declared is their wish. The rest of you can fuck off with your criticism and your baseless smears. Give the party and their female leader (the first female leader in Italy incidentally) a chance. 

Is it because she rejects the current leftist globalist narrative? Is it because she rejects the EU? What is it exactly that makes her democratic election into power so heinous?

Who are you to criticise? 

As it is at the moment anyone slightly to the left of Stalin is considered "Far-Right" by the leftist loonies on the internet, at the BBC and in the Guardian. 

The more you read the various articles, they eventually moderate from "Fascist", "Far-right", to "Hard-Right" or "Right-of-Centre". Indeed "Hard-Right" could describe Margaret Thatcher. Was she a fascist then? 

The nonsense that is peddled about politicians that don't fit the leftist, globalist agenda is close to obscene. In every Western country the agenda is the same: divisive, corrupt, pitting minority groups against each other in order whilst reducing Policing to cause continual chaos so that they can manufacture the legislation to crack down on the population. 

Eventually the population will see through the veil and the lies and as with Italy, start to vote for parties that reject the globalist agenda, reject incessant immigration, reject the capture of the left by huge global corporations. 

They will start to vote for parties other than those supported by the globalist media, corporations and NGOs. 

But, the important thing is they are elected democratically. That is the will of the people. Tough luck if it doesn't align with your values, or political ideology, that's what the majority have voted for. 

Democracy. Live with it. Or are you saying "something should be done" about populations voting "far-right" parties into power just because you don't like them? Because if you are, then what you are advocating is tyranny.

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