Thursday 29 September 2022

Burn, Baby, Burn...

 It's quite clear the elite ideologues will stop at nothing in order to further their agenda. Whether it's the "great reset", or "zero carbon", their zealousness know no bounds. Literally.

They will literally watch the world burn as they tear it all down and rebuild their twisted vision of utopia. 

They have already crashed the Western economy, they are now attacking a UK government attempting to mitigate the effects of the disastrous rise in energy prices wrought by their illogical ideological focus on zero carbon.

Way back when, governments would have been prudent: they would follow a plan, but would have made sure that (a) it was affordable for everyone and (b) there was a backup plan should anything go wrong.

Instead we had the rush to renewables, every GigaWatt of which had to be backed up by a fossil-fuelled energy source. But instead of replacing the fossil-fuelled energy with renewables and having them run side by side and let the renewables take over organically as costs reduce, we instead had the idiotic green levies that just line the pockets of the energy companies. It's not like they actually use the money for it's intended purpose.

Then we also had the idiotic linking of renewable energy to fossil-fuelled energy prices. So the supposed benefit of renewables i.e. cheap or almost free energy was negated. The whole reason for the green levies was that their "free" energy wouldn't generate the revenue needed for further investment.

So the renewable energy companies claim a double-bonus: levies and the bonus of receiving higher prices for their energy than it costs to generate.

Not only were renewables badly managed to the benefit of the energy companies and not the consumer, but the backups to renewables were destroyed too. Instead of keeping the coal-fired power stations just in case of a situation like we find ourselves in now, we instead installed gas-fired electricity generation plants. These plants are required because they can come on-stream quickly, exactly matching the peaks and troughs of renewable energy generation. 

The coal-fired plants are slower to bring on-line, but they would have provided a bigger and cheaper backup to renewables. Instead they were demolished. Erased from the landscape. If anything illustrates zealous ideology, it is this. We have no way of going back. We have no way of generating cheap energy. 

Successive governments painted us into a corner, with no way out. We are now slave to the machinations of the gas price spot market. We can't say "screw that, we'll go back to using coal", because those coal-fired plants are gone.

Nope, we are dependent on natural gas, like some methane addicted junkie. We have to pay top dollar, just like everyone else.

Governments did that. Their advisors, the zealots told them to. 

Tory and Labour governments. They are all the same, they listen to the same advisors, the same high priests, follow the same zealous ideology. 

Shame on you if you vote for them ever again.

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