Wednesday 20 January 2021

USA: Watch The farms

 So, Biden has become President of the USA. Make no mistake this is an old-style Presidency, with the corporations once again asserting dominance.

Trump was a disruptor, a circuit breaker, an aberration amongst a litany of corporate frontmen.

Biden is a step further along the road to corporate authoritarianism.  It's well known the corporations want control of farming. the last big push in that direction was the GM crop fight. Corporations selling modified seed to farms that locked them into contracts and prevented them from growing out their own seed.

Now with a leftist leaning President in charge and an even further left Vice President, I'm convinced the corporations, backed by the Government will go after the farms of the USA directly. It's happened in every newly-far-left "Socialist" country, because the farms are free, they are not reliant on the state. From Zimbabwe, to South Africa, to Venezuela. The farms are a target for the state (Government and Corporations combined) . 

The farms of the last bastion of freedom, of self-sufficiency. They cannot be bent to the state's will easily. 

When the state tries to control the farms, then you will know the measure of the Biden administration, the nature of the corporatist state the Biden Presidency may have unleashed.

Not just in the USA, it seems members of the global elites are buying up farms globally. To what ends? 

I'm sure the like of Bill Gates thinks they are modernising third world farming to help the world, but all it does is hand agriculture over to the big corporations and their global controls. Converting smallholdings into huge mega-farms, using corporate fertilisers, corporate GMO seeds, creating huge profits and controlling (ergo increasing) food costs around the world. 

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