Monday 19 October 2020

COVID-19: Wales in Lockdown.

 The Welsh government has announced a short sharp lockdown beginning November 9th. 

Who exactly is paying for all of these Welsh people to sit at home? I hope that the devolved government will be footing the bill and any damage to the Welsh economy will be paid for out of the Welsh pocket.

Otherwise I think the UK government should be quite right to overrule any decision like this that the English have to foot the bill for.

Also, what are they going to do about people in England not under lockdown rules crossing the border into Wales? Are they going to sit Police on every single road between the two countries stopping traffic?

When are they going to accept that it's past the time for lockdowns? They're good for stalling the inevitable, but once you have the extra capacity in place like the Nightingale hospitals, the lockdowns are not a positive measure. Instead they only prolong the length of the infection. 

Now we have the extra capacity available, let the country go about it's business and hospitalise those that need hospitalisation. Only if the nightingale hospitals are at serious risk of being overtopped should we start to restrict movements and meetings.

Common sense realy, which seems to be in very short supply in political circles these days. It seems emotions and posturing for political effect totally outweigh common sense.

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