Wednesday 19 August 2020

COVID-19: Waiting for The Discrimination Card to Be Pulled.

 As we move from panic/pandemic mode, to more measured test, track and trace, I can see issues arising.

When we move to random testing, where we see who's had the virus and which communities still have the virus circulation, I'm waiting for the race card to be hoisted high.


Because the BAME communities can't help themselves, even when something as serious as a pandemic is ongoing. Because they can't help themselves even though testing shows their community to be a hotspot, somehow highlighting the fact will be racial.

Nothing at all to do with the huge numbers of Muslims lining up outside Mosques with no face masks and no social distancing and nothing at all to do with the lack of both within the Mosques. Sharing of washing basins with no disinfection between users, no social distancing, it'll be Allah's will if they get infected and die.

But pointing out this fact that no precautions against infection spread will probably classed as racist. 

As will pointing out the fact that BAME communities are more likely to have a number of generations families in a household, so that the older family members are more likely to catch COVID-19 from younger members of the household. It's not about poverty, it's about social norms. Even the most affluent BAME families have been affected by COVID because younger family members share a household with elderly, more at risk family members. But hey, pointing that out will also most likely be called as racist.

As for the most supposedly racist thing: pointing out that illegal migrants coming over the channel are not subject to 14 day isolation on arrival, but instead are being put up in hotels (4-star ones no less) with other migrants. Without any form of isolation and with no security they are able to mingle amongst the general population.

But... this is all racist nonsense and nothing at all to do with the extra lockdowns and the higher R numbers in locations where the population has a high percentage of minority (especially Muslim of Pakistani origin) population in the area. Populations that accept illegal migrants and where they can live, sleep and work without ever interacting with UK laws, completely isolated and outside the wider non-Muslim community.

I've seen it with my own eyes. I've been sent pictures by mates. No masks, no social distancing, carry on as normal, no virus here.

I've said before these areas are a breeding ground for extremism, they are also a breeding ground for COVID.

If these communities do actually get on board with testing (doubtful) then I'll just wait for the race card to be hoisted when extra lockdown measures are applied to their community specifically.

And just wait when the vaccine comes out... Haram or Hallal? Seeing as other vaccines are classed as Haram, I don't hold out much hope.

But hey, I'll probably be called a racist for pointing it out.

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