Wednesday 14 October 2020

COVID-19: Stop the Scattergun Approach.

 The government says when it comes to covid that it is following the science. However, from their actions, this seems about as far from the truth as you can get.

The science says people under the age of 50 have a 99.9% chance of surviving the virus. The chances of surviving stay above 95% up to the age of 70.

So why are we not targeting those people who are at higher risk, like old people and those with pre-existing conditions, like diabetics? Get them to shield at home and let the rest of the population go about their daily business.

The current lockdown approach, even local lockdowns are a like using a Blunderbuss to kill a fly. The lockdown rules themselves are pushing people together and creating MORE risk of transmission than just letting people carry on with their lives.

I've already said we should (for the time being) lower the pension age so that those over 60 can remove themselves from the workforce and reduce their number of contacts.

Those with serious illnesses (essentially those people that qualify for the flu jab) should get a letter to be paid to stay at home. After all, if the flu is s risk to these people, then covid-19 certainly is.

Then the youngsters can get on and get infected. Those with serious covid symptoms go straight to the Nightingale hospitals, which allows the regular NHS facilities to function as normal. Only if and when there's a chance of the Nightingale units being overtopped (say 75-80% occupancy) is the point we start to lock down. 

That way the economy gets to continue, people's freedoms are not eroded and there's a bloody good reason for locking down. Rather than the shit-show we have at the moment, where a city is in full lockdown but the people can still drive to a pub 10 miles away.

At the moment the government have it arse-about-face and it's about time they were challenged on the policies in place at the moment or the government themselves had a bloody good rethink and returned to common sense.

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