Tuesday 6 August 2024

Civil War?

Are we in a De Facto Civil War? We may be in the beginnings of it, that's for sure.

We have the working class population, devoid of a voice in Parliament, downtrodden for 30 years, finally rising up and making their dissent known. The government are using the Police as an Army to crush the rebellion. The Police at this point are not Policing by consent, they are being used to crush riots and dissent like the Army would have been 200 years ago.

The Police are armed like an army, they have the resources of an Army.

The people have nothing.

And above it all the Parliamentarians, the Elites stand, failing to understand, failing to represent the clearly disgruntled masses.

No words of sympathy, of calm from our Prime Minister. Only threats.

That's the nature of where we are now. We are in the beginnings of a civil war. 

We tried at the ballot box, we gave the Tories an 80-seat majority. They failed to follow the will of the people.

Now we don't care about votes. We've seen the other side make threats and the government runs scared. 

We can make threats and cause violence too. If that's all the government understands, then that's what the government will get until our demands are met.

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