Monday 5 August 2024

More on Kier's Misreading of the Room

I didn't have time to go into any depth on my previous blog because I was away and had to do it on my phone.

But Kier Starmer is seriously misreading the room and the mood of the nation if he thinks he can square up to the working class protesters now protesting against the misdeeds perpetrated by Muslims.

The murder of the Kids in Southport was the last of many violent incidents perpetrated by immigrants or children of immigrants. The stabbing of the senior Army officer days before was a copycat of the murder of Lee Rigby. 

The authorities say he was a Christian, just like the Muslim-turned Christian chemical attacker that was still given a Muslim burial. The authorities haven't hard of Taqiyyah.

We've had the bombing of the Manchester Arena that killed dozens of kids and adults. We've had multiple stabbings and again just after the kids were killed in Southport, we had mobs of youths with machetes running riot in Southend. Unchallenged by the Police I might add. No riot cops there.

We've had decades of child rape by Muslim gangs, unchallenged by the authorities. Largely Labour authorities I might add.

So what is the difference?

It is the fact that Muslims can amass a larger an better armed mob? Is that what the working class protesters have to do to get satisfaction?

Do the working class have to form a block vote that Labour can use to win elections? Would that then lead to the protection afforded to Muslims by government?

The working class have had enough. They have been stitched up and ignored by successive local and national governments. At least the Tories sounded like they wanted to limit the influx of Muslims, which kept the working class hopeful. Labour is openly waving the immigrants in, wants to do more for them and labels their own voter thugs, Good move Labour..

Keep doing what you are doing Kier, keep fucking about and you'll find out. You'll find out what the majority working class can do. 

The IRA only won when they started to cause significant financial damage to the government. Once the mob finds that out... what then? What if the mob cost Kier more than his Gulf State backers? 

What happens if tax offices are burned? Benefit offices? What if they go for targets that are funded by national government and not local government? What if they target Border Force offices, Customs and Excise offices? No skin off My nose as they're not funded by council tax. That's national government stuff.

Oh, and the hotels housing migrants you've underwritten for any damage the immigrants might do? Does that include damage by a furious mob? Is that why you were so shit-scared the other day, because the mob attacked a hotel? If the mob starts burning down hotels that national government then has to pay to rebuild, how many would it take to bring you to the table?

Just what happens Kier, when the mob get organised? Start to understand the game?

What happens when the working class have no other recourse to get your attention? What happens when the working class refuse to join your Army, your Navy? 

No wonder you're all considering conscription. We'll all fuck off to abroad then. 

What will you do when you Muslim friends demand their pound of flesh? Will you hand the country over? Will you hand over our nukes? 

Just what will you do Kier?

America is watching, watching very closely.

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