Thursday 8 August 2024

Two Tier Policing: Evidence a-plenty and now it Goes Mainstream.

In this Telegraph article there's a clear indication of the two-tier Policing now in place in the UK and Kier Starmer's support for it. And if the Telegraph is saying it, you can pretty much say the cat is out of the bag and the evidence is clear.

The classic was this interview:

Now tell me, what is the difference between the disorder on both sides? On both sides, the majority protest peacefully, only the minority cause disturbance. So why is the Muslim side treated different than the non-Muslim side? Why do the Police hide from one side and the other side is met with riot gear and batons?

How is it that one side can openly display large bladed weapons in public when anyone else can be arrested and charged?

Why, if the Police do their work without fear or favour, did they not deploy when cars were attacked and the pub was attacked as it shows in the video? 

But as the Telegraph article at the start of this blog says, the difference in Policing or the two sides is stark. Despite the protestations of Senior Police and the government, the difference is plain for all to see. 

Government continues to bend the knee to minorities. It's now beyond a joke. But the question is: why? This has gone beyond virtue signalling, it's gone beyond pandering to an oppressed minority. The Muslims of Great Britain are not oppressed. Actually the truth appears far from it.

Why exactly are the Government not stepping in to Police these riots fairly? Especially when this then fans the fear of a two-tier country. 

In my next blog, I'll tell you exactly why. It's all to do with money. LARGE sums of money. And Supra-national organisations and treaties past governments signed up to.

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