Monday 27 September 2021


 Yes, Angela Rayner, the MP for my old home town and her calling the Tories "Scum". Exactly the rabid, partisan rhetoric that put me off Labour when I lived up there. This type of Labour member are literally lunatics, there is a group madness amongst them that make them vehemently oppose anyone that doesn't agree with their viewpoint.

I'd had enough of them back in the Michael Foot era. 

To be honest, the Labour party are scum for not providing a credible opposition to the Tories and letting them romp away with the election and giving them a huge majority. 

Had Labour been a bit more moderate, they might have taken more seats and been able to provide an opposition. But Labour is rife with people that are so thick, so blinkered, so vitriolic , so out of touch and so far to the left that no-one will vote for them.

A classic example of this was the Kier Starmer interview yesterday when he was asked if the phrase "Only women have a Cervix" is transphobic. Here's a hint Kier: It's not. It's actually a statement of scientific fact.

But hey, let's not let science get in the way of ideology eh?

This is the sort of Leftist Lunacy that is losing Labour votes. Supporting the misogynistic take-over of the female space by the male-to-female trans lobby is wrong-headed. But that's Luney Labour for you. 

Consider this for a second: Starmer can't say that only females have Cervixes. What else is he hamstrung by ideology over?

Would he oppose China? Would he sever our relationship with the USA, would he take us out of NATO? With nutters like these in the party, absolutely anything is possible and it's no wonder no-one will vote for them.  

Nobody wants a rabid dog.


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