Tuesday 28 September 2021

Labour Party: Circling the Drain.

 It seems a new batch of infighting has broken out ion the Labour party, with a new push by the loony left to oust Kier Starmer.

I know I hate the bloke and all he stands for, but he is a sort of gatekeeper against the far left loonies in the party. 

Sadly I think this time, he will not prevail.

This could well be the end for the Labour party. We really need a party of and for the working class that has sensible, credible, workable, reasonable policies that people will vote for. 

The Liberals cast themselves adrift and set sail for the far left sunset years ago, with their objection against the Brexit majority.

It seems the Labour party are loading up the ship with supplies to follow the same route.

As a party they have not grasped that to get into power, you first have to have policies that appeal to the majority. Having fashionable virtue-signalling but ultimately unworkable and unpopular policies will just consign them to the political wastelands.

Kier Starmer's "Cervix-Gate" incident at the weekend just sums up how out of touch the Far Left are. Only a woman has fucking Cervix you prick Starmer. Say it, it's Scientific Fact. A bloke that gets an op is not a Woman in the scientific sense. If a bloke has the op and has the appearance of a woman, then by all means he can be afforded the title of woman in a honorific way, but he still isn't a woman in the scientific sense.

Ta-Ta Labour, you gave us some laughs along the way, but your time is up....

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