It occurred to me, as it often does while I let my mind meander, that the world really is beholden to a few nations and a few people within those nations. a while back, I did ponder the question who is financing western economies given that they are essentially bankrupt after real jobs went east?
Take for instance America, supposed bastion of freedom. Their ecomony is bankrolled to an extortionate amount by the Saudis, so it stands to reason therefore that the Saudis have quite a lot of influence in America. Its a delicious irony that gas-guzzling-truck-driving-good'ole-American patriots are actually contributing to the downfall of their country and the rise of Islam by pouring their dollars into their fuel tanks and directly to Saudi Arabia or some other Islamic country. They have yet to realise that even if a miniscule fraction of Islamic Oil wealth ends up in the hands of extremists, a miniscule amout of several billions is still more than enough to wage a worldwide campaign for as long as the oil keeps pumping. Kill the need for oil and you kill off the funding for the extremists.
The same goes for China, who thank Americans for buying their cheap DVD players as it bankrolls their worldwide resource-grabbing operations and allows them to buy American debt. Debt which is used to buy infinately more DVD players and huge TVs. Who gets the profit on this circuitous money-go-round? Well, it certainly isn't the ordinary citizens of America.
If they, the ordinary citizens of America realised how they had been conned into giving away their country one purchase at a time and did something about it, maybe the world would be a better place.
Here in Britain things are no better. Our economy is built on a fragile house of cards, with no real money changing hands. Instead of making things and selling them, our economy is based on moving money around in complex ways; a smoke and mirrors economy, where the moment the smoke begins to clear, our government leap in and pour more banknotes onto the fire in order to obfuscate the obvious fact: we are bankrupt. Anything of substance has been sold off to the highest foreign bidder. Napoleon called us a nation of shopkeepers and thats exactly what we are: the only major UK-owned businesses are in shopping or services. Our heavy manufacturing like steel is foreign-owned, our utilities are foreign-owned and the majority of our railway companies are also foreign-owned. The government are determined to sell-off, or if that doesn't work completely destroy one of the last bastions of UK-ownership, the Post Office. Why does no-one ask the simple question: why? Why would they do their utmost to conspire to sell it into foreign ownership?
In the wider scheme of Europe, our political elite are conspiring to ensnare us so that when we do eventually come to our senses, find out the whole bloody thing is a Stalinist sham and start to rebel, they have such overbearing draconian powers that we may never be able to escape the trap set for us.
Africa is constantly fed arms from China in exchange for mineral rights. China knows where the future is and its not in oil, but the control of the raw materials necessary to make things. As China is the worlds biggest manufacturer, claiming control of mineral rights for itself via "partnerships" is a sensible, self-preservation policy.
The world policy on Africa seems to be give it enough guns to be unstable, because if it ever became organised, it would be a force to be reckoned with.
I just hope for our childrens sakes that eventually, in the not-too-distant future, the majority of ordinary people will see what is going on and demand change. Freedom from being held to ransom by the finances of despotic regimes, freedom from a political elite that would sell their own mother to line their pockets, freedom from a lifetime of tyrrany and slavery.
Who Says They Have No Work Ethic?
A senior civil servant with *security vetting* was allegedly paid for three
full-time jobs by *different Government departments* – at the same time.
The ...
5 hours ago
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