Monday 15 July 2024

Trummp Assassination Attempt: Lack of Self-Awareness from the Left is Staggering

 Only the day before the assassination attempt of Trump, Nancy Pelosi was saying that only a couple of days ago that Trump was a danger or a threat to America. I can't remember if she went as far as to say he musty be stopped at all costs, but funnily enough that video on YouTube has disappeared.

Biden has already been quoted as saying pin a target on Trump.

Of course they say the comments are now being taken out of context. Yeah, the left, the people that take EVERYTHING out of context, even jokes. Have a taste of your own medicine, fuckers!

That sort of language has only one message. take Trump out. If we can't do it politically, if we can't do it legally, then help us and take him out in the literal sense.

Much is being made of the shooter being a registered Republican, however there were a number of Democrats in the last election that registered as Republicans and then voted Democrat. It was their way of skewing the polls and raising expectation in the Republican camp. They think it's a clever deception. Just like anything the left does, it's just plain childish.

But it's always interesting that the Left gaslight the right by saying it's all the right's fault, that the right are violent, that they use hurty words. The left use words like the right should be "crushed", or "obliterated", or worse.

The violence and the violent rhetoric always comes from the left.

It has to stop.

The left need to start living up to their own expectations of others. If they reckon words are violence, then violent words should not be uttered by them. To do otherwise is hypocrisy.

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