Monday 15 July 2024

More on the Trump Shooter.

Some interesting snippets around the 20-year-old shooter that very nearly killed Trump.

First, the left are making big noises about him being registered as a Republican. It means nothing. Many people in the US are registered as one thing, but vote another way. In fact, in 2018 a lot of Democrats registered as Republicans deliberately. 

The shooter allegedly had links to Antifa. No real confirmation yet on that and possibly there won't be any confirmation, Antifa being such a nebulous organisation.

Apparently the kit he had cost a lot of money, possible a few thousand dollars. One has to ask how a 20-year-old got the money to invest in such equipment. How those sums of money being invested in a rifle didn't arouse suspicion with his parents. Or was there an outside influence at play?

The ladder that the shooter climbed was supposedly already placed there. Now I've not seen pictures of whether it was a fixed ladder, or a portable ladder that just happened to be set up on that building on the day of Trump's rally. If there was no fixed ladder then the security detail might have not bothered securing the roof because a previous sweep of the area showed the roof wasn't normally accessible. But somehow it had been made accessible on the day. And this 20-year-old who just happened to be radicalised enough to want Trump dead, just happened to turn up to the rally, just happened to come across an unsecured rooftop within clear sight of the stage with a means of easy access, and just happened to have all his sniper gear with him and just happened to take advantage of a roof top that was unsecured on the day of the rally and just happened to be able to get off a few shots before the security services retaliated with prejudice. What are the chances eh?

The security services have some questions to answer, mainly the amount of time they allowed the shooter to get into place and set up ready for a shot. I would assume the Police marksmen had him in their sights. Word is, the government snipers weren't given the go-ahead to shoot. Possibly they have to wait for the shooter to shoot first? In that case shouldn't standard operating practice be to secure the possible target (Trump) first, then assault the shooter, secure them and then ask questions. But it seems the Trump security details weren't given notice of the shooter, they didn't remove him from the stage or deploy ballistic shields to protect him whilst he's removed to the armoured vehicle parked at the side of the stage, 

Instead, the SOP seems to be not to notify the stage crew, dither about a bit watching the guy with a rifle crawl the length of a building, keep informing some central control about the situation, not get clearance to fire unless fired upon, yadda, yadda... You get the picture. Hardly the picture of the super-efficient and overly protective secret service we've come to expect. I assume the B or C team were on shift that day?

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