Wednesday 17 July 2024

Head of The American Secret Service Not Fit for the Post.

Kimberly Cheatle, the current head of the American Secret Service has gone on record saying that the roof where the Trump shooter fired from had too steep an incline for secret service staff to be positioned on.

She went on to say the slope of the roof was too much and too dangerous for snipers to be positioned on.

Yet the snipers protecting Trump were actually positioned on a different sloped roof, with a steeper incline.

So either she's deliberately lying, doesn't know what she is talking about or has been mis-informed. Either way, it doesn't look good for her. Better not to open your mouth and wait until you have all the facts. 

A simple "I don't know why security staff weren't placed on the roof" would suffice. But here we are again, some clueless staffer has been dropped into a position she has no clue about. And instead of deferring to experts or people with experience, she just shoots her mouth off as though what she is saying is the truth.

It may well be that the roof is not designed to bear the weight of a person and was rejected on that basis, but the slope was not a factor. But again, brainless Kimberly should really have got her facts straight before speaking to a national news outlet. However I don't think that weight was a factor either, because there are pictures of half a dozen officers on the roof "securing" the body of the shooter. So it could bear the weight of at least that many.

In her world and her management team, I'm sure her arrogantly stupid suggestions become policy, but unfortunately when it comes to the real world, outside the management bubble, she loses all credibility.

Clueless, Ill-Prepared, inexperienced, arrogant, I'd wager that she was all of those and more.

For her own sake she should resign, before she stuffs another Jimmy Choo in her big fat overpaid and underqualified gob. 

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