Wednesday 8 February 2023

Removal of Dissent to One World Government and a Realisation of Who Globalists Really Are.

For a long time I've suspected that the Powers that drive the "One World Government" Globalist agenda are financing dissenting voices, but only on their terms.

A new example of this is Mark Steyn on the GB News channel and his refusal to return based on new contract terms handed to him that basically make him liable for the outcome of any "wrong-speak".

I've seen a trend for various actors to pop up as the "True Voice of Conservatism" and sound like they mean it, but several times when they come close to delivering a true alternative to the OWG/WEF, fail to deliver. 

GB News is just the latest in a long line of fake Conservative platforms and political parties.

I'd lump in Nigel Farage in with that, because when he came so close to winning, he quit. I understand he wanted Brexit, but after getting the referendum vote, he just up and quit. He could have ridden that wave all the way to the 2019 election and could and should have had an MP in Parliament, especially after the actions of MPs after the Brexit vote to weaken it with second referendums, constitutional malfeasance, etc.

Nope, he copped out and left. Then he created a new party, the Brexit (later Reform) party in competition with UKIP. Splitting the Brexit vote further. That's not the actions of a person that wants to win.

Now we have UKIP, Reform and Reclaim all vying for the same votes, weakening the anti-Globalist vote. Even David Kurten (ex-UKIP) has jumped in and formed the Heritage party FFS.

Not one party has bitten their tongue and agreed to form an anti-Globalist alliance. Too many egos? No idea, but the sponsors of these parties, if they really believed in the cause would knock heads together and push for a unified party.

It's almost like it's a deliberate policy to keep those of us wanting an end to globalism tied up and forever muted, because our split vote will never overcome the pro-globalist united front of the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties. (Yes, whichever one of the main parties you vote for, neither of them will change the course of the country).

Well GB News viewers, UKIP, Reform and Reclaim voters, enjoy the prison your globalist sponsors have created for you. A prison where various actors promise sunny uplands, better times ahead and a dissenting voice to the globalist narrative. But never, ever deliver their promise. Almost like the carrot on the stick in front of the Donkey. You never get the prize.

Don't forget, Turkeys don't vote from Christmas, and very rich political donors are very likely to be Globalists, not anti-globalists.

Oh you might say, we got Brexit done. And it's true, the Globalist's eyes were like saucers on the day of the result. 

But now I believe Brexit has been given some ulterior motive for the globalists. I haven't quite worked it out yet, but the detail is in the various agreements made with the EU. I suspect that for some Globalists a United Ireland and an end to the issues there would be an advantage. Also fomenting the separatist movement of the SNP in Scotland is another way to neuter the UK. 

By watering down Brexit and making it as bad as it can be, it forces us to either re-enter the globalist cabal, or we end up torn apart and neutered. 

Why would a neutered UK be of interest to the one-world-government types? Could it be revenge?

Globalism and Globalists in general are very dangerous people and you need to understand how dangerous they are. They are willing to kill millions of people, they are willing to crush major countries. They want the World. One World, One Party, One Government. 

Now that sounds familiar.... where have I heard something like that before?

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!

Ah, that's where. Definitely revenge then...

I understand why the acolytes of the globalists follow them. It was an attractive ideology back in the 1940s and it's an attractive ideology now. The idea that you are above all, you belong to the elite, a super-race, among the supposed super-intelligent. Back in the Germany of the 1930's the Germans put themselves as a race above others in a similar way. 

Germany had superior ideas, superior scientists, superior technology. Sound familiar to the Globalist ideology? The science is settled, we own the science, do as we say...

As I said, VERY dangerous people, these Globalists.

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