Monday 8 August 2022

Zombie PMs Brought out of Retirement to Criticise the Government.

 A few months ago we had warmonger Tony Blair getting involved in criticising the government over handling of the economy. 

Tony Blair. The PM that inherited a stable economy from the previous Tory Government. 

Tony Blair the PM that introduced in-work benefits to top up the wages of poorly-paid families at the expense of poorly paid-single people who didn't get any help.

But now, to cap it all, we have the one-eyed Gorgon weighing in. 

Yes, Gordon Brown, the PM that bailed out the banks at the expense of the taxpayer, the guy that called a patriotic lady a bigot. The archetypal politician corrupted by the Davos set.

Yep, he's weighed in: Former PM 'seeing poverty I did not expect to see again' as he warns people will go hungry and cold within months (

Well Gordon, if I'm not mistaken you started the inflationary pressures by printing money and bailing out the banks 20 years ago. 

The coalition government that took over from you carried on and then the Tories presided over exactly the same policy.

You're all to blame for the mess we're in now. 

Two decades of money printing, relying on cheap labour and cheap Chinese goods to keep inflation down. 

At the end of the day it was inevitable that the ability to get away with it would come to an end, you just hoped it would be years down the line on someone else's watch. 

Fuck you all: All the successive Prime Ministers and Chancellors and governors of the Bank of England for what you have done. You are all culpable for a reckless policy that was sure to backfire at some point.

I don't care if every government in the West was doing it. They are all suffering now. But you should have known better and not followed the advice of the elite club of Davos, the IMF and the WEF.

All of you should have been prudent (remember THAT phrase Gordon?) and worked FOR the people and known that what you were doing would have consequences SERIOUS consequences at some point.

You should all be in the dock answering to your various courses of action. NONE of you have any moral high ground to pontificate from.

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