Monday 8 August 2022


Here in the UK have you noticed that things aren't the same politically after we voted for Brexit? Over in the USA, have you noticed politics aren't the same after Trump?

Even pre-pandemic, we had the insanity of the UK government try, try and try again to thwart Brexit. We had our own Parliament attempting to instigate a second referendum. 

We've now got a faulty Brexit deal that still ties us to the EU, without casting us away from them fully. The Northern Ireland question could easily have been solved by a referendum in Northern Ireland.. Do you want to be in the EU or out of it? Part of the UK or out of it?

We could have unilaterally extricated us from EU treaties and then let them put up a wall if they wanted to. Let Ireland install and pay for the border checkpoints. We wouldn't have paid a penny and would have an open border with no checks on our side. Then say to the EU it's up to you to deal with it. 

In the channel I would have impounded French coastguard vessels for aiding and abetting human trafficking. If their vessels continue to shadow immigrant boats then we would class the French vessels as complicit and would board them, impound the vessel and arrest the captain.

In the USA there were continuous attempts to hamstring the Trump administration with various court cases and impeachment hearings.

And it's not stopped.

Why is that?

Because we are being punished by the elite. We dared to act contrary to their agenda. It will not stop until we give them another bloody nose and tell them to fuck off.

They are deliberately aggravating the inflationary pressures. from what I can see there is no policy from the Bank of England to quell the fire. Instead we get half-hearted interest rate rises. Fucking brilliant for someone that is about to cash in a pension pot that has been accruing fractions of a percent interest over the past three decades. It's of no benefit for me now. Thanks a fucking bunch.

No, this is a deliberate policy to punish the unruly. It will be blamed on Brexit, on Trump, on Conservatives, on the poor, the feckless, the indigenous. 

One group that the finger will absolutely not point to is those in control of the policy: the elites. The WEF, the IMF, the Central Banks, the futures traders, the World Leaders, the Davos Elite.

We need to say "Fuck You" to all of them and refuse to vote for their puppet parties. Instead vote for so-called extremists like Reform or UKIP. Fuck the moniker the Elites give these parties. They are tarred with one thing: not doing what the elites want them to. 

Fucking Right! Vote for them. Vote for them in large numbers and lets give the elites another bloody fucking nose.

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