Friday 15 July 2022

Globalists Target Farming

 In January os 2021 I posted this blog: Delphius' Debate: USA: Watch The farms (

Where I expressed concern that farms were being bought out by large corporations.

Well, look what's happening now. In Sri Lanka a government has been toppled because of it's severe environmental restrictions. The Sri Lankan government banned fertiliser. Yes, it banned fertiliser use in farms. 

So yield dropped and farmers (and the people generally) revolted.

In The Netherlands, the Farmers are being teargassed for protesting against a government that is trying to bring in rules that limit nitrogen use. Banning fertiliser and also limiting livestock. That's strange, a government on the other side of the world doing exactly the same thing. It's almost like there's a plan being followed across the globe, like someone else is telling governments what to do.

I have said before that moves are afoot to corporatise the farms of the world. By banning essential things like fertiliser or limiting livestock numbers then the farms become unprofitable and ripe for the picking. Who will pick them up? Big corporations will. Big corporations will take them over and run them using their genetically modified crops that require less fertiliser. The move will be greenwashed around the globe as a triumph. 

Even those farms that hold out will eventually be forced to use the corporate GM crops as they will be the only ones approved by government. Available at huge cost no doubt. A cost high enough to bankrupt the private farms eventually. While the corporate farms get the GM goodies at preferential rates. It has to happen once the corporations get involved, because their whole reason for being is to maximise profits and remove competition.

I see what you are doing big corporations. I see what your end goals are you treacherous elites.

Reduce CO2 so that global yields will suffer, reduce nitrogen so they fall even further. Let the root of food production and the safety of the countryside fall into the hands of global corporations.

What could be scary about that?

What could be scary when you have no alternative then to swallow the corporate protein pill. 

What could be scary when food is limited or priced out of your reach?

Where do you go to eat if food is controlled by a corrupt cartel?

I can se far enough ahead to see what the farmers see already. A threat to the supply of food and along with it their livelihoods. 

This scorched Earth Environmentalism, backed by big business, corrupt corporations and corrupt government cronies need to be stamped out immediately.

I've said it before: Do these big businesses really have your welfare or the welfare of the world at heart? Do you believe that? Are you an idiot?

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