Tuesday 12 July 2022

The Demise of Disposable Income

Well, it had to happen: I no longer have any disposable income. Checking my bank account has become a daily thing, making sure there is enough in the account to last the month.
Despite changing to a smaller, more economical car, the rise in petrol prices since I swapped has negated the benefit. I've also had a 2 grand pay rise, a rise of 10% because I went to the boss and said that if things got worse I'd have to look at working more locally. Even though I only work seven miles away. 

Now, all those attempts to keep the wolves from the door have been negated. I'm still in a worse place than I was at the beginning of the year and back then I was on less money and had a bigger car.
I hate to think what's going on with people that were already at the point of having no spare cash at the beginning of the year.

But we are the forgotten group: the working poor. Those on wages lower than the national average, those that don't qualify for any benefits, that struggle to survive only on what they can earn. No hand-outs for us, no cost of living benefit for us. 

Who will fight for us? Who will recognise our struggles? 

Not the Conservatives; they're in power and haven't helped us at all save the 5p a litre cut in fuel duty that lasted 3 days. Oh, and the £150 quid one-off refund that everyone got through council tax. Big deal.

Not Labour either, content as they are to increase immigration to bolster their vote because the working class won't vote for their Communist woke shitery.

And certainly not the Liberals, so focussed are they on pressing the middle classes.

We really needs party of the poor right now. A party that supports what the poor working class of this country supports. Patriotism without extremism, socialism with a smalls and conservatism with a small c. It supports workers and especially the working poor. It penalises the most excessive corporations that do not give back to the country, it penalises the rich who avoid taxes.
We need it now.

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