Friday, 30 December 2022

If Only....


Graph From GridWatch

If only yesterday's energy output could (in Most Part) repeated. Wind was producing the bulk of our electricity. The eco-loons would be very proud. 

But unfortunately this is not reflected every day. As I've shown, there are times when the wind doesn't blow and it's bitterly cold. In winter, solar is next to insignificant.

Interesting that even as the wind was blowing, the European interconnectors were supplying a big chunk of electricity to us. In the evening the alsort-coloured block at the top of the graph supplying almost 20% of our electricity.

Again, I can only surmise that the UK market pays well for French Nuclear and German coal-fired electricity. Enough so that they can supply some of their precious energy to us. I doubt very much if it is gas-fired electricity they are supplying to us, given the privations being enforced across Europe to reduce electricity consumption. 

The Swiss being the most recent. Considering plans to restrict private use of electric cars to essential journeys only if the energy crisis worsens. 

Switzerland. A bastion of freedom and democracy. A land of lakes and mountains. You'd think they'd be be abundant in hydro power rather than relying on external energy resources.

So, given it's so bad in Europe all of these things are being considered, why are they supplying so much electricity to us? I'm sure the Swiss wouldn't be best pleased, nor the Germans or the French. After all, there have been many requests from European politicians to reduce energy consumption, from having cold showers, to switching the lights off on public buildings and monuments early.

The EU is already talking about mandatory targets for energy reductions at peak times across Europe. Citizens have already been asked to not use appliances between 4pm and 7pm in order to reduce peak load. I assume so that greener options like nuclear can produce the bulk of the power and gas turbine power plants don't have to be brought in to fill in the peak demand.

Over the past month, watching the Gridwatch graphs has been interesting. From the windless cold snap, to yesterday's high wind/low solar/high interconnector graph.

It just shows how messed up energy supply in the UK is. Renewables aren't the solution, not until the energy produced by renewable sources can be stored efficiently.

We really need to get a grip on tidal power. It's a regular, reliable, and free source of power. We have some of the fastest tidal races in Europe. Harness that and channel all the renewable production into storage and then you'd go a long way to reduce fossil fuel production. The capacity still needs to be there, because there will be periods where we can be without wind for weeks. But then tidal power could produce a lot of power and channelled into storage it could be a reliable source of energy.

The All-Electric Dream Turning into a Nightmare?

This article in the Daily Mail starkly illustrates the real-life problems facing electric car owners now that numbers are increasing on the road. 

Service stations with only a handful of chargers, where electric car owners have to queue to charge, broken chargers not allowing owners to charge; basically the charging infrastructure not keeping up with demand. 

Even the best charging network, provided by Tesla has had issues over the holiday period, with Tesla owners having to queue to use chargers. 

There's a reason that the number of chargers is low: the electricity supply to (usually isolated) service stations is limited. Only a certain number of chargers can be supported before new electricity supply cables have to be laid to the service station to supply the amount of current demanded by more chargers.

That then becomes prohibitively expensive. Tesla get round the issue by current-sharing. If one car hooks up to a charger, then you can usually supercharge fine. If two cars hook up to the same charging plinth, then the current to each car is reduced so the overall demand on the grid supply is shared and kept below the limit of the supply cables. 

That's why you find (or should find) more chargers in service stations in urban areas. The grid in built up areas should be able to cope with the demand without too much hassle. 

But this is yet more evidence that the push to electric is ideological. Had the push to electric been anything else, then the implications of a million electric vehicles on the road would have been investigated and the correct policies put in place to provide adequate charging infrastructure.

As it is, government policy is to set an end date for fossil-fuelled vehicles and then let the market sort out the infrastructure.

It's not good enough. The National Grid needs to be modified, planning laws need to be amended and so much more secondary changes need to be made to support electric vehicles, if they are to become a success.

The issue of grid supply to service stations is just one. Others are supplying charging infrastructure in historic preservation areas where there are planning restrictions. For instance how does one get permission to bolt a charger onto the wall of a listed building? How do you install on-street charging in preservation areas? In both instances how do you modify planning laws to allow it, or do you make preservation areas and historic buildings charge-free zones?

Even when the charging infrastructure starts to get better, it needs to be able to support electric cars in winter with vastly reduced range. Electric car drivers are now beginning to realise that battery range can be as much as halved in very cold weather. Meaning that drivers are forced to hook up to chargers more often and create more demand for chargers in winter. I doubt very much the charging infrastructure has even considered this effect. Instead just plonking chargers willy-nilly wherever they can be shoehorned in and grid capacity will allow. No consideration for range, no consideration for demand. Instead the market provides the solution for the cheapest cost, ensuring maximum profits.

No-one has yet cottoned onto the brand loyalty that could be gained by providing adequate numbers of reliable chargers for all, similar to the Tesla network, but without the limitations of having to own a Tesla. Of course the hurdles to this are many, with the risk of competitors undercutting you and providing just enough charging capacity at a lower cost. Although it appears that Tesla have now opened up their network to those who are able to use it. 

Over the past month I've been posting articles about the wider issue: that of the means used to generate the electricity we use. Even if we went all-electric tomorrow, the issue still remains that the bulk of our generating capacity is provided by gas-powered stations. Renewables are okay when the wind and solar are available, but when they are not (which is most of the time) gas has to come on stream to provide the shortfall. 

So at the moment electric cars are not as green as the hype suggests. They are still powered mostly by fossil fuels. It's just that you don't see any emissions from the car. They are moved away from the car to the power station. Just like industry has been closed in the UK and moved to India or China. We still require the materials, it's just that their manufacture (and therefore the emissions created by making the item) have been moved elsewhere.

We are far from Green, far from net-zero, far from the ideological perfection the disciples of Greta Thunberg demand. 

That's what you get if you blindly follow an ideology, a requirement, a target, without a plan or a convincing end-game, without thinking it through.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Why the Immigration System is Broken and an Insight into How and Why Government Reacts the Way It Does.

It's often said on the internet that the Government should look after homeless veterans as well as illegal immigrants, because immigrants get housed in hotels, whilst the homeless are left to freeze in shop doorways with no help from either local or National Government.

The reason is simple. It comes down to Funding and legal issues. 

For instance there isn't a statutory duty to house homeless people in this country. Funding isn't provided to councils to help the homeless. Instead that is done by charities, that may get grants from local or national government, but it's not a legal or statutory duty placed upon councils to do it.

When it comes to illegal immigrants, there IS a statutory or legal duty of care that national government has to follow. UN charters on "refugees" requires government to house and process anyone coming into the UK claiming asylum. The funding comes from the legal duty placed on government. They HAVE to house these immigrants whilst they process them, thanks to the various treaties and agreements we've signed. 

The problem is the processing of these people isn't funded at the same time or to a level able to cope with the numbers coming into the UK. So although legally we have to house them while we process them and the funding stems from that legal requirement, funding of the processing isn't covered. Hence the mismatch between the numbers coming into the country and the poor funding of the agencies required to process them. 

It may take years before we eventually kick them out. In that time, they could have left a hotel, shacked up with some girl, got her pregnant and had a kid. Which is what they actively seek to do. That's because once they have "family" i.e. a kid in the UK, then the Court of human rights kicks in and they then claim the right to stay because the human right to family life then becomes a legal priority.

The system is broken, because the funding doesn't track the need. 

When we sign treaties, we should always insist there is some requirement that if we are drawing funds for immigration from some source, the funding of secondary support should track the primary funding. If for instance the UN helps fund refugees, then they should also fund secondary support: the agencies tasked with investigating the asylum claims. 

We can't continue with the current system where we are expected to accept an infinite number of immigrants without secondary support funding tracking the numbers as well.

When you see injustices in local and national government, this is usually the cause. The disparity with what is mandated legally and what isn't. The disparity between NHS and social care is another example. The NHS is funded Nationally, whereas Social Care is funded by Local government. This is why Social care isn't funded to anywhere near the level that the NHS is.

The dear old NHS, the Gorgon that continues to gobble up ever increasing amounts of taxpayer money, but provides fewer and fewer services. Failing even as we commit billions in funds to it. A result massive levels of mismanagement and incompetence. The NHS joke is that incompetence managers are not fired, they are promoted. And this is why we have chaos in our health service. The managers that are in place are incompetent. They were incompetent lower managers, they were incompetent middle managers and they become incompetent senior managers. 

My local health authority lost 250,000 a month for six months, all because someone (wrongly) disputed an energy bill. That's 1.5 million pounds. Lost because someone thought a bill was wrong, flagged it up but never followed through because it wasn't their job. It was their job to flag it up, but not follow through with the process. And that's as inefficient as the NHS works. 

And this inability to match legislation to funding has been going on for decades. It's now crippling the country. We do need a great reset, but not the WEF one. 

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Wind Stops Blowing, Back To Fossil Fuels


Via GridWatch, as Per usual

Well, the wind blew for a couple of days, and today it's decided to ease off. Gas has filled in the bulk of the loss, but look at the Liquorice alsort colours above the Turquoise Wind layer. That's interconnectors from Europe  supplying electricity to us. At the peak of the interconnector supply, they were supplying over 15% of the UK's electricity needs. 

Again, you have to ask the question why. 

Nuclear was providing baseload, but is this an indication that gas is slow to respond to drops in wind powered production? It seems a bit strange given that's a 6-hour period this morning where interconnectors were supplying a lot of electricity. I'm pretty sure closed cycle gas turbine plants can come on stream quicker than that.

I'm just wondering if there's a procedural or financial reason. If you look at other sources, you can see production is somewhat governed by spot prices. Certain producers will only get involved in producing electricity if the price offered for that electricity goes over a point where it's financially viable to crank up the plant and start producing. 

I'm wondering if the interconnects are happy to supply their electricity into the high-price UK market during the early morning while Europe sleeps, then withdraw and let local gas turbine plants fill in when the demand in Europe begins to ramp up. 

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Trends. Disturbing Trends.

Okay, here's a bit of a conglomeration of trends. It may be a bit long-winded, but it will tie everything together. 

So, for many months we have heard the term "Great Reset". initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but now really out in the open. When someone writes a book called "The Great Reset" it's kind of a giveaway.

But so to is the language and the actions by those who subscribe to the Elite Ideology behind the great reset.

For instance we heard governments, officials and top business people use the phrase "Build Back Better". This is Elite shorthand which to the casual observer it is innocuous. What can be wrong with building something better? 

But build back better signals allegiance to the agenda. It is a signal to the members of the club that they are in and fully committed.

To build back better, one first has to destroy what came before. Centuries-old institutions need to be dismantled. The whole organisation that holds the fabric of civilisation together needs to be knocked down and rebuilt. But in a way that favours the Elites.

Klaus Schwab is famous for the quote that "You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy". And that's the end game. The majority will own nothing, but the minority, the Elites will own everything. And you will be happy, or at least have to feign happiness in order to live your life.

It's like that episode of the Twighlight Zone where the kid has God-like powers and can make people disappear if he doesn't like them. Everyone has to be happy and smiling, otherwise they endure his wrath and vanish. Such is the future the elites want for us. 

They want all the real money and instead will give you digital currency. Which is in essence a form of credit for your labour. You work, you contribute to the global machine, you get paid in digital currency. 

To use that currency, you have to comply. Non-compliance will bring the wrath of the elites. You may have your currency deducted from your account or your account completely frozen if you do not comply. Once they control ALL the digital currency, they will stop people from helping you. No lending you a tenner because you're short this month. The transaction from their account to yours will be noted and they can stop the currency getting to your account and for non-compliance deduct or freeze their account too. And so on.

It happened in Canada with the Trucker's convoy. People supporting the convoy through GoFundMe (not directly) had their accounts frozen. I'm sure that anyone the Authorities classify as a threat in the loosest terms will have their ability to continue to live removed. In America just concerned Parents that complain have been described as Domestic Terrorists, so you can imagine the sort of people that the Elites will go after. The free thinkers, the individualists, the majority

Social Credit scores mean a lot more than just your standing in the community, if the people managing the scores also control your access to money, food, housing, etc.

It's authoritarianism. 

Behave, bend to our will or else.

For the great reset to work, the elites need to control the majority of everything. They already control Money and Government Policy across the world. 

Why do you think Bill Gates is buying up farms? Because he will be the arbiter of all things ESG in farming. Do as Bill Gates does, or be annihilated. Do as the Elites tell you: buy their seed, grow their animals (most likely bugs), reduce your carbon footprint. Produce next to nothing as the people starve. I'm sure a small number of Gates Inc. farms will still produce real meat, at exorbitant prices that only the elite can afford and enjoy.

The so-called ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) scores for corporations and soon small businesses will garner compliance from another swathe of the money-making apparatus. Here again the Elites will control the scores. If you have a low ESG score, you will be denied banking facilities, you will not be able to trade with other companies, because if they trade with you, they will reduce their own ESG score...

It's about control of everything. Control of money, of property, of business, of YOU.

Do not be fooled by the rhetoric, the lovey-dovey sounding stuff. It's good for the climate, it's good for the environment, it's good for the planet, it's good for social cohesion, it's good for business.... 

The only people it will be good for are those that already have money. The Elites. The one percent of the one percent. They cannot get enough. They want more.  They want it all.

There is a way you can resist. Do not vote for their cronies in government. Both sides of the house of commons and most of the House of Lords are bought and paid for. 

Remove them.

Vote for a New Party, a Party that has not been corrupted by the Elites. Reform UK is getting a lot of traction at the moment, but I feel uneasy about them. They are too close to the elites, I get the smell they are a false alternative and will just usher in more of the same. 

We need something drastically, radically new. A party that will reverse the lunatic energy policies of the past few decades, a party that will either give green subsidies to the renewable energy companies, or allow them to charge market rates for their energy, but not both. A party that will end the loopholes that allow billions in tax to leave our shores. 

We need a party that will genuinely push back against the huge grab for resources and control of the elites.

Wind Finally Supplying, but Where's Solar?


Graph Courtesy of Gridwatch

Finally, after the cold spell, the high-pressure system has moved on, the temperatures have risen, energy demand has reduced, the Wind has picked up and is now able to provide a decent percentage of our electricity.

However, last week was a significant pointer to how renewables don't work just when you need them.

I mean, look at solar energy production on the graph above. It's there, it's the yellow band. Can't see it? It's actually so infinitesimal it looks like a monitor artifact. It's actually just above the turquoise of wind between 10am and 4pm. 

Finally, gas-powered energy is able to back off. Nuclear is doing what it does best: provide baseload. 

The interesting thing is that the European interconnectors are supplying power into the UK. Is that because the UK is a more lucrative market? Can they sell their surplus electricity to us for a bigger profit because we can't produce cheap energy ourselves? Interesting that the Germans with their coal-fired electricity and the French with their nuclear-produced electricity have enough spare to send to Blighty and make a profit. 

Our domestic energy supply policy is so fucked up you could probably see how fucked up it is from Space. 

Revel in the wind-powered electricity until the next windless cold snap comes along. God help us if it lasts for more than a week, as current sane climate predictions say is the future climate model. 

When we get a cold, windless period for more than a week across Europe, just what happens then? If it last for a month or two? Energy companies have been able to get away with cutting back production assets in the name of climate change to boost profits and our insane Government policy has just abetted the destruction of a sensible mixed energy production network.

The shit will hit the wind turbine in the next 5 years or sooner, believe me. 

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Sistah Space: An Interesting Saga.

I did post on my blog about Ngozi Fulani that a chap on Twitter called James had done some digging on her charity and it didn't look good. 

There are now three Twitter mega-threads on the charity Sistah Space Written by James. 

What he's found doesn't look good. The Telegraph has already announced the Charity Commission are looking into the allegations. 

I'd commend everyone to look at James' threads on Twitter. 

His user is @JustPikachoo 

Brilliant stuff. He's quite the online detective. Yesterday a user called Kwaree said they had reported his account for racism and James has done some digging about that user.

Interesting that the user appears to be a scam account linked to Africa according to James. 

I'm loving watching him silence the dissenters with facts and also investigations.

No idea who he is, but his account is a bloody good read at the moment.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Oxford Goes Communist.

It seems that the citizens of Oxford are going to be treated as criminals. Instead of being free, their movements will be restricted upon punishment by a fine.

In essence, Oxford council are setting up arbitrary zones in the city and you won't be allowed to drive a car from one to the other without a licence. Of course you have to pay for this licence (I know, yet another money-making scheme). 

You'll also only be allowed to move from one zone to another 100 times in a year otherwise you will attract a fine.

The idea comes from the "15 Minute City" concept. Basically everything you need will be available within 15 minutes of your door. Your job, your shop, your Doctor, Your Hospital, your health centre. All will be within 15 minutes.

But what is not stated is what choice you will have within those 15 minutes. For instance if the only store within 15 minutes is Tescos, what if you want to shop at Asda? Or they are too expensive and you want to shop at Lidl or Aldi. Is one of every shop going to be provided in that 15 minute zone so you have the same amount of choice?

I think not. So in effect you will have no choice. You will be allowed to shop at one shop that is assigned by planning to that area. If you deign to reject that choice, then comrade, you are not complying and you will be fined for travelling to the next zone. 

It's Communism. It is removal of choice.

How are jobs supposed to be provided in the 15 minute zone? 

As an example, you work for a company that has one outlet on the other side of town, or in the next town over. It is not served by a bus route. 

How on earth do you get there without a car? If the council impose their rules and you are effectively denied access to your job, will the council compensate you? Are they liable to compensate you for the loss of your job? I bet not. You'll just have to comply by taking some low-paid job in the 15-minute zone. If you can't pay your rent because you've had to take a low-paid job, will the council compensate you or re-house you? I expect huge Communist concrete tower blocks will be the architecture of choice in Oxford over the next few decades then. 

Or the city will become a ghost city where no-one wants to live. It will be a student city where students educate themselves and in their spare time do the jobs that the original population once did.

I know for a fact there is a care home in a village on the outskirts of Oxford that is served by a bus only two days a week. The wife was looking for care work in the area when I lived near Oxford. Not being a driver, she needed public transport. So that wasn't an option. 

Basically, to make this work, the council is going to have to provide the jobs, the infrastructure the facilities. Market forces won't. Aldi won't want to have 15 tiny branches dotted around the city. They won't be economical.  Nor will they want several competitors in the same 15 minute area. 

Like I say, it will reduce freedom, it will reduce choice. Oxfordians might as well buy the grey boiler suits now ready for the May day parade of bicycles (no combustion engines allowed).

Net Zero Together, or Not at All.

 It's quite clear that there is now a large proportion of the UK population that cannot afford the "Net Zero" climate policy set out by Government.

Whether it's buying a new car to satisfy new ULEZ zones, or whether it's paying for energy, the cost of the net zero policy has outstripped the ability of the population to pay for it. Now we are getting handouts from the Government to pay for high energy costs as a result of their own policy, which is ludicrous. 

Rather just adjust the policy and make energy cheaper so everyone can afford it. 

That's the route any sane government would take, so that everyone can afford to heat their homes and go about their daily business.

If a Government fails to adjust a policy that adversely affects a large proportion of their citizens and continues to press forward with it even though the adverse effects are obvious, you have to ask the question: why?

Is it because they are stupid? Because borrowing money to give people money so they can afford expensive energy thanks to a policy they are continuing to employ just sounds like insanity.

Is it because they are incompetent? Well, the latest batch of MPs in Parliament look like thet couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery, so that is a distinct possibility.

Is it because they have no other option? Well, no, they have plenty of options. Currently there are plenty of governments around the world that do not hold with the net zero policy and work to reduce emissions in a way that avoids bankrupting the economy or letting granny freeze to death.

If they have other options, why do they press ahead? Is it outside forces that are pushing them to do this? Well, in a nutshell, yes. 

The various vested interests are pushing Western Governments to reduce CO2 emissions at all costs. But it's interesting they are not pushing emerging economies to do the same. India and China for instance, are not complying.

It just so happens that the same outside forces pushing "net zero" including the abandonment of industry in the West also have interests and investments in emerging countries. No conflict of interest then eh?

Tell their chums in western governments to back off on support for industry or even implement policy that will kill off industry, so they can then reap the rewards of cheap labour in India and China. 

It stinks. To high heaven.

Even Clearer: Interconnectors Supplying More Than Renewables.


Courtesy of GridWatch: Go look at their website

Well, that's an oops. The European and Norwegian interconnectors were supplying more energy than the vaunted renewable sources. 

Gas supplies the bulk of electricity (as always) and coal and Nuclear are doing their bit. But where is solar? Hardly registering on the chart. But it's winter in the UK; who knew? That solar only provides at most a third of the Summer energy.

Wind is the other star of the green firmament. Guess what? It's almost inconsequential. It's certainly beaten by the pink slice of French energy. 

During the night our European interconnects were supplying around 15% of our electricity whilst wind amounted to just 5%.

This is madness. All the Billions in investment we have put into renewables can't deliver when we need it most. This policy has to stop. 

We need to invest those billions in generating capacity that can deliver electricity whatever the weather, whatever the season. Not on some climate cult solution that doesn't deliver when we need it most and would have us freeze to death in the depths of winter.

As it is, the long-term predictions are for winters to get harsher. But the climate loons don't want you to know that, because it will scupper their lucrative little industry. The money train might stop.

Where is tidal power, I wonder? Where is the storage capacity to hold onto that energy ready for when we need it?

It. Needs. To. Change.

I do not want my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids to suffer the privations that this winter has foretold.

We need cheap energy, cheap enough that poor people can afford it. 

Stop the Net Zero policy unless everyone can afford it including the poorest in society.

We either do net zero together, or not at all.

Monday, 12 December 2022

Here is Clear Proof That Renewables Won't Save Us in Winter.


Courtesy of GridWatch: Go look at their website

Just look at this. The coldest day of the winter so far. Look at that huge swath of Orange as Gas supplies the bulk of the load on the electrical grid. 70% of UK grid energy being produced by gas. 

Being a day influenced by low pressure, there is no wind. Also cloud cover has killed solar production. 

The eco-loons always counter this by saying that the wind will be blowing in at least one part of the country. But, wherever that sliver of the UK is, it needs to be plastered in wind turbines to produce anywhere near the capacity for the rest of the nation. The grey nuclear bar is also helping keep up with demand and I see what is left of our coal-fired production capacity is doing its bit too.

The two things that are not are wind and solar.

If any diagram shows the strategic requirement for gas, this is it. We need to be producing a lot more of it within our own borders. And we need to do it quickly. We need to be syphoning those flares off on oil fields, we need to be sucking the methane out of old landfills. We need to be fracking too. We need as much gas as we can get.

It also shows the lunacy behind the closure and destruction of the coal-fired power stations, unable as they are to contribute meaningfully to electricity demand. 

Can we just put to bed the idea that renewables will produce anywhere near the capacity the UK needs? 

It's a fallacy, an illusion, a pipe-dream. 

Can someone with some sense take charge of our energy policy, PLEASE?

Friday, 9 December 2022

Gas Consumption Even Worse Yesterday.


Courtesy of GridWatch: Go look at their website

How did we do on the first really cold day nationwide?

Well, here's yesterday's energy chart. Solar is limited (as it always is in the UK in Winter) to a small contribution for a limited amount of time. Wind has reduced to about 10% of energy production and gas is up to 60% at the end of the day. Considering the number of offshore wind farms that blight the horizon and provide hazards to shipping off our coast, you'd think it would be more. But renewables.

Nuclear, the grey smudge at the bottom is helping. Coal (in black) started strong in the morning considering we only have a handful of stations left and contributed throughout the day. 

Interesting is the pink smudge in the evening. That's us supplying energy to France.

Don't forrget this is only electricity production. Direct burning of gas in boilers is not counted. This is Gridwatch's data, so this is electrical energy on the grid for the day.

That's a heck of a lot of very expensive gas....

Thursday, 8 December 2022

How's Those Renewables Working Out This Winter?

 Here is the graph:

Courtesy of GridWatch: Go look at their website

See that big swath of Orange? All Day? That's gas fired generation plants. 

At the top of the graph is a sliver of black. Guess what? That's coal, baby!

See that little streak of Yellow that lasts about 4 hours? That's winter solar in the UK. Fucking Useless.

At least the Turquioise band representing wind is contributing something. But only about 15% of the daily total.

That's why our energy costs are so high. 

It started with Thatcher, but the governments after her did this. They made us hostage to world energy prices. They made us reliant in a big way on gas.

Way to go.

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Ngozi Fulani: Race Grifter?

Okay, the "Royal Racism Row" is raising more than just on hackle on the back of my neck. As someone who is not in any way racist (I take everyone as I find them) I hate it when someone uses racism as a tool. Either to line their own pockets, or to cause fake offence to gain a dominant position.

It now appears that Ngozi Fulani was actually called Marlene Headley and was born in London.

She changed her name and started a charity expressly for black women who are the victims of domestic violence. 

Now, alarm bells start a-ringing. Why would someone of Afro-Carribean heritage change their name to a more African-sounding one? Now I can understand the name change of Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali when he converted to Islam. But an arbitrary name change to a more African-sounding one when your links are in the Carribean?

Sounds like a grift to me.

Along with being head of a charity supporting black women, it sounds like a measure to make her sound more "authentic".

So here we have a woman, born in London from Afro-Carribean parents, changes her name to a more African-Sounding one whilst running a charity for black women who suffer from domestic abuse.

A woman who then goes on to decry the deportation back to the Carribean of criminals, some of who are rapists. Exactly the sort of violent act perpetrated on the victims supported by her charity. Makes you wonder how the women she supports felt about that.

Now is her stance about race? Is it about Colour? Is it about domestic Violence? It sounds to me like she's kinda confused. Or is it self-promotion, boosting her profile and earning maybe a bit more money?

Is this cultural appropriation? Is it like a man just calling himself a woman? Is it like a trans woman demanding her rights usurp a biological woman's rights?

To me they are very similar. It's a grift, it's demanding attention, it's demanding respect where none is due. 

It's like someone wearing a medal at a remembrance service they didn't earn, wearing a uniform they don't deserve. it's pretending to be someone you aren't.

Maybe Lady Hussey recognised Ms Fulani was pretending to be something she wasn't.? Maybe after being  with the Queen all those years and meeting genuine people from Africa, she can spot a grifter, a pretender. And she called Ms Fulani out on her pretence.

Who knows the real reason for the row, but Lady Hussey doesn't deserve to be sacked.

I assume the exaggerated offence is just yet another plea for attention.... 


Ms Fulani is kicking off in the press, complaining about the "racist hate" she's been getting online. I think it's not racist love, it's just pointing out you are far from perfect and your attitude has lost an old lady her job. I hope you're happy.

 Also, I see online that even black people are far from happy with her. Especially those with African roots. It seems they don't appreciate someone coming along and pretending to be African when they are quite clearly not. Also there's a big issue with the African names she's chosen to use. The first name is female of a certain tribe and the surname is of another tribe. A bit of a faux pas if you actually know shit about Africa and their people.

Finally they are not happy with her dressing up in some approximation of African dress. 

It seems all a bit Walter Mitty. She's trying to live a life she hasn't lived. Interesting that in a predominantly white country, she's able to get away with it because people understandably don't know the details about life in Africa. But someone who is genuinely African can point out the holes in her assumed persona straight away. 

There's another big issue with her charity in that they only support Black African women. I'm not sure if it is true, but the word on the internet is they don't support mixed race women or African Asian women either. Is that racist?

£20 to the first white bloke that turns up on their doorstep identifying as a Black African woman demanding refuge. That should tear a gaping hole in their ideological reality.


It seems like me, someone else hasn't felt at ease with Ms Fulani's actions and attitude. Someone has been moved to investigate her "Charity". There is a Twitter thread available here. It makes interesting reading.

Both disturbing but all too predictable.  I can smell a grifter a mile away, it's nothing to do with race. 

One does wonder if anyone benefitted from her charity other than her family. Charging the domestic abuse victims the charity is supposed to support for anything is a pretty shitty move given they are funded by taxpayer grants, etc.

It's interesting that their website is missing success stories of how the charity has helped particular victims of domestic abuse. So no direct evidence of support there. Most charities like to show how they've made a difference to people's lives. But this one seems to be a bit coy. The Support & Advocacy link seems to ask people to sign a petition for a law, but no evidence of any support or advocacy actually being given in case studies.

The link on training jumps to the same page as for advocacy and support. 

I'll just skip the other links on the page, because they ALL link to the same page for "Valerie's Law". 

No case studies, no examples of how the charity has actually made a difference. You get the feeling that the website and the charity are nothing more than a few videos put up on Social Media. Once you read the Twitter thread above, you get the inkling that it's worse than it looks.

On the Charity Commission website their mission statement is:


Well, that seems a bit of a easy statement to make. Providing a safe space where victims can meet and talk. Counselling and self-help groups. Any registered/trained counsellors on the books? Ah, self-help groups: i.e. don't cost the charity any money.

Providing educational talks and workshops. Hmm, indoctrination of kids and workshops where apparently the participants have to pay to access. Hardly charitable. 

If this whole affair was a stick of rock, it would have the word "Grift" right through it.

Stop Being a Burden to Yourself and Society at Large. I Thought We'd Buried That Mindset Back in the Forties

I've blogged elsewhere about Canada's new push to kill off people that are a burden to society. Their new act regarding Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) aims to widen the types of conditions that can legally be covered by MAID.

Now Canada aims to add mental illness and physical disability, which I assume includes depression to the ACT. 

Already we've had tales of patients going to Canadian doctors with relatively minor issues and then incredulously being asked if they wanted to end it all.

Paralympian Christine Gauthier has testified that she was given the option of assisted suicide when she asked for a stairlift.

Elsewhere, in the Netherlands a girl was allowed assisted suicide because she had severe depression.

This is what happens when assisted suicide is allowed. Yes, the heart-strings are tugged when it's initially debated: the most terminally ill and desperate individuals are put up front to argue the point that if they are in constant great pain, or have no quality of life, they should be allowed to die under their terms. 

To an extent, I agree with their plight. BUT (and it's a big but), once assisted suicide is established in law, it NEVER stops at the worst cases. There is ALWAYS mission creep. So, it evolves over time: if they are in pain, or have no quality of life, why can't I be allowed to die with my debilitating depression or mental illness?

Once the gates are open to essentially anyone to just top themselves with the help of state-supplied poisons, it then evolves into "wouldn't you like to stop being a burden to your relatives? To then wouldn't you like to stop being a burden to the state? To then eventually "Look I'm sorry, but the state has requested your "suicide", you have no choice in the matter as you have been deemed a net drain on state resources".

And that's the Rabbit hole Canada is half way down at the moment. Other countries that have legislated assisted suicide are at the top of the rabbit hole and have found the slope quite slippery.

In the UK, we don't have assisted suicide laws, but I've already blogged about the borderline illegal issuance of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) forms during the pandemic for those deemed unworthy of treatment.

A UK Paralympian, Helen Raynesford was asked to sign a DNR form at a medical appointment. And she's just in a wheelchair with no life-limiting condition.

Normally the medical profession do it with more subtlety and don't outwardly ask you to sign the DNR, your GP just gets a memo to do it for people that fit certain criteria behind their backs. 

Or we just don't provide basic healthcare, like Ambulances to pick up people with life-limiting conditions for 16 hours, so they die before they have a chance of getting to hospital for treatment.

Now it's tinfoil hat time. This push to kill off the old, the infirm the mentally ill and the physically disabled is not a national or local phenomenon. It is global. Countries around the world have skirted round the issue, poking and prodding at it until the time is right to implement assisted suicide laws. And there is a push from outside politics to install such laws. Luckily, the majority of civilised countries have rejected the move to assisted suicide being on the books. 

And yes, I class any country that allows people to top themselves for no reason at all as uncivilised. Any civilised country would provide an environment for such people that would enhance and enrich their life and provide support. It certainly wouldn't just say "well, why don't you top yourself then?".

So why exactly is this a worldwide push? Well, it's that old Malthusian tune again. The one that started off with Mathus, then erupted violently it the thirties with eugenics (the pinnacle of which was the Nazis) and now we have the "environmental" lobby. It's all about population control.

Or to put it more succinctly, reduction of parts of the population you don't belong to. For instance, extinction rebellion are not just advocating we stop using oil. Because if we did do that, then overnight people would die because of those policies. Of course, the extinction rebellion people have no qualms about killing a few people off because they aren't in the group that would be culled. They are predominantly middle-class youngsters, the Tamaras and the Tarquins. 

They think they wouldn't be in the culling list, so they cheer on the policies that would result in the demise of the poor. Just like the Germans did in the Thirties and the Forties when they cheered on the persecution of the Jews and didn't lift a finger as they were led off to the gas chambers. 

Extinction rebellion are the same sort of thinkers: they believe themselves above others. They certainly think themselves above the law and continue to do criminal damage and cause obstruction and seem surprised and indignant when the law does actually deal with them. Those poor people, those consumers of energy, those untermensch, are they really worth saving? 

When World War Two was over and the excesses of the Nazi's eugenical polices was laid bare for all to see, we had Nuremburg. The trials quite rightly dealt with the worst perpetrators in the only way the world was prepared to countenance. They were hanged for their crimes against humanity. 

We also had medical policies that came out of the same period, with the same name. The Nuremburg code of 1947. It's increasingly clear that certain Pharmaceutical companies did not follow the code recently. 

The essence of the Nuremburg code is informed consent and rejection of unethical practices. But how are people supposed to exercise informed consent if the Pharma companies lie about their drugs? Just how dangerous is it to take an experimental drug created in emergency conditions? 

Certainly with the so-called "Vaccines" of the past couple of years, there has been very little information upon which to inform consent. 

Are the Vaccine makers in violation of the Nuremburg code? I tend to think so. Governments and companies that mandated the "vaccine" only followed the information provided by the Pharma companies. That the "vaccine" was safe, that it prevented spread of the virus and that it did less harm to those that took it than getting the actual virus itself.

We now know that was a lie. The "vaccine" had not been properly tested, that it didn't prevent transmission and spread, and that actually it wasn't as safe as it was purported to be. We are only now, two years later, finding out what the risks are and who is most at risk. We can now also do a personal risk assessment and decide for ourselves if the risk is worth it. 

However, Nuremburg also has something to say about coercion which is just another word for mandating. Could the Governments of the world argue they were only following advice from the Pharma companies? 

Surely Governments should have had the full information about the efficacy and risks associated with the "vaccine" available to them? Are we saying the Pharma companies lied to Governments? I mean, it's not like they would lie to Governments in order to be first to market and therefore maximise profits, would it?

With all the above, I do have to ask the questions:  

When exactly did it become a thing to help people to die that are only minimally affected by their medical condition? 

When did it become a thing for doctors to arbitrarily decide that some people deserved to be resuscitated and others not? 

When did become a thing to want to kill people off to help the planet? 

When did it become a thing to experiment on the majority of the population?

When did it become a thing to legally kill your fellow man (or woman, or child)?

When did life become so cheap?


The More I think about this, the more I'm convinced that those in power across the World are in the thrall of various death cults. 

Extinction Rebellion I've already mentioned, with their push to freeze the poor to death.

I've previously mentioned the Muslim faith and their ideas around martyrdom.

But the Davos set seem dead set in seeing large numbers of ordinary citizens dead.

The WEF want us to stop eating healthy fresh food and eat processed bugs instead. That'll see off another few percent of the population that can't afford to eat.

The WHO are no longer concerned with World health and instead push dangerous, deadly ideologies. 

It's no wonder that all these various factions have some affinity with each other despite not having any obvious connection. The common denominator is the idea that life is cheap.

Monday, 5 December 2022

I commend everyone to listen to this interview: Back from the front: a British volunteer in Ukraine

This is a fascinating interview with a chap that went to Ukraine to fight. It's interesting to note the skills the modern military are not given and their reliance on logistical support these days.

I did chuckle when he mentioned the Americans calling for air support, or the fact that hardly any of the volunteers brought basic kit like stoves with them. Not sure I like the idea of worm stew though. I'd have to starve. 

But a fascinating chat all the same.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Will an Extremist Political Party Arise Now?

 Several items of news recently seem to have identified a tipping point in the history of the United Kingdom.

The First is that we had the highest ever net Migration into the UK in the last year. 500,000 people entered the country. 

Thats the population of a city the size of Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol Sheffield or Leeds. Not insignificant cities. These are major conurbations. Ask yourself: have we built a new city equal in size to these in the last 12 months? Nope? Then where are these people supposed to go? 

You can imagine the demographic of the people arriving isn't necessarily White Christian.

On top of that we have another 50,000 illegal immigrants arriving this year.

A few days ago, the news came out that the most popular baby name in the UK is Mohammed.

Then yesterday it was announced that for the first time since Medieval times, the UK is no longer a majority Christian country. 

Those of us banging on about the changes being effected by mass immigration, the rise of the ghetto and the segregation caused by the multicultural policies of government are slowly being proved right.

Essentially the UK is now on target to be lost. It's been subsumed by the globalists that have no sense of identity, no sense of nation, no sense of country. 

You have to ask yourself if there we will be a resurgence of the extremist right-wing parties in the near future. Because the mainstream parties have been taken over by globalist policies that have no regard for the people that value the UK as a nation, no understanding of the history that allows us to be welcoming. 

To a point.

Push the citizens of the UK too far and too fast, push us in a direction we don't like, and we will bite back. There has been an extremist ideology to destroy the idea of the United Kingdom. Devolved Government, rampant immigration, the destruction of family, identity and gender. 

There is a risk that following the proof that successive governments of the UK have conspired and continue to conspire to reduce the UK to history, that something will come along that is extremist in nature to push back. 

Friday, 25 November 2022

New MRNA technology Flu "vaccine" has Been Developed.

 No, No, No, No No...

I will not let another MRNA so-called vaccine enter my bloodstream. I took the Covid one under false pretences. It did not stop transmission, nor did it stop you getting Covid. So what use is it?

Supporters of the Covid MRNA "vaccines" will tell you it stopped you getting so ill when you did eventually catch Covid. But I wasn't badly affected by the first deadly pre-Omicron batch of Covid, so even that wasn't of much benefit to me. 

I'd have preferred (a) to have been told the truth so I could make an informed choice, and (b) been allowed to not have the jab and carry on my life, rather than be mandated to have the experimental injection.

Actually, now the truth has come it as to how badly we were scammed by the Pharma companies, who do I sue? Oh, that's right, we can't sue the Pharma companies because they wangled immunity. 

Instead the government is picking up the bill for the most egregious harms done to recipients of the "vaccine". Payouts for issues caused directly by the jab have started. But you've got to be dead or badly injured by the jab to get it. 

Unfortunately being conned into having an unnecessary medical procedure or have it forced upon you by government and corporate policy isn't applicable for compensation.

It should be. I was forced to have the jab so I could go on holiday. "But we were only following Government advice" the corporations will say. Yeah, the same defence as the Germans had in WW2. 

And to be honest, the current Government, Civil Service, Global Corporations, and Supra-National Organisations like the WEf, IMF and UN are all just as bad as the Nazis. Not one of them understand the concepts of freedom, bodily autonomy, personal choice, or the concept of free will. 

Instead, they demand subservience and conformity. For our own good. The worst type of authoritarianism there is, because the authoritarian believes they are doing it for your own good. 

The type of authoritarian that sees no problem mandating an experimental drug for the whole population, or killing people off to save the planet, 

So, no thanks to your new experimental MRNA Flu "Vaccine" that will probably be just as effective as the Covid one. The kicker being they "think" it will protect against future strains of Flu by teaching the body's immune system to recognise new strains. 

To me that sounds like the beginnings of a runaway auto-immune issue: a vaccine that trains the body to defend against something that hasn't infected the body before. Our auto-immune system works like it does for a reason. There's a reason it doesn't pre-empt an infection, there's a reason it doesn't go looking for new existential threats. That's because it is a powerful bodily function. If, for whatever reason it goes haywire and looks for something to kill, it usually ends up killing the body that houses it. 

Nope. Give me a proper vaccine with dormant strains of previous flu outbreaks.

Keep your genetically modified MRNA shit thanks very much.

Monday, 21 November 2022

Oh Do Fuck Off, Shamima.

 Now it seems the Shamima Begum PR machine has found a new angle to try and get sympathy for her.

Apparently, she was sexually exploited by ISIS. Really? Just fucking do one will you?

This woman went out and did some atrocious acts. The media can't list the things she did, because they are so atrocious.

Yet someone, somewhere, wants her back in the UK. Who exactly wants her back? Why the unrelenting push for the UK to accept her? WHY???

I see no benefit in bringing her back. I see no benefit even if she came back and lived her life out in jail for the acts she committed.

I do have my suspicions on who is pushing the narrative. It's certainly a body with influence and money. 

The Gulf States can Fuck off. I don't care how much of a "true" Muslim she is. If she's such a wonderful Muslim, equivalent to a Muslim saint, then you fucking take her in ya cunts. You have the sick bitch in your country, if she's so virtuous.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Poor Paying for Government Virtue

The takeaway from the budget/autumn statement is that the government won't stop the virtue signalling even as the economy collapses. Like Nero, fiddling while Rome burns.
Instead, the poor will supply the funds to allow the PM and Chancellor to continue their dick-swinging at the various summits. Just who can impress King Klaus of Schwab the most by bankrupting their economies fastest.
It's almost like there's no economic crisis, no energy crisis. Just keep giving us ever more of your earnings, keep paying more for an economic and energy crisis we caused and continue to cause with policies that have no foundation in reality. 
It's like a mid-life crisis dad buying that sports car or yacht to impress their richer single friends. It's sad and unedifying to watch. Especially because I'm footing the bill.

Friday, 18 November 2022

Don't Trust Zelenskyy

I have to say, after the events of this week, I've come to distrust the President of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

That the missile that landed in Poland came from Ukraine must have been patently clear. It must have been easily spotted and the news sent up the chain of command. 

Yet Zelenskyy was straight on TV condemning the "Russian" attack on Poland and begging NATO to weigh in and get involved. With all the repercussions that action might have on NATO countries.

Much still needs to be clarified. 

Why was the missile over Polish territory?

Was the missile just a misfire and went in the wrong direction?

Or were Russia sending missiles over Polish territory from Belarus into Ukraine and the Ukrainian missile was defending Ukrainian territory?

The two questions need answering and the answers need to be in the public domain, before we get suckered into a war nobody wins.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

UK Government Declare War on Workers

 The message from the budget is clear: workers are going to pay.

They are going to pay for Furlough.

They are going to pay higher taxes for fewer services in return.

They are going to pay at some point for the energy price help.

They are going to pay for higher welfare payments to the unemployed.

They are going to pay for higher pension payments.

The people that aren't going to pay are those on benefits (and I'll bet there will be an almighty push to chuck people off benefits in the coming years), and of course the very rich, including global corporations.

The working population of this country are being squeezed for every cent, every penny, to pay for the government's careless abandonment of prudent governance.

Makes you wonder if they are trying to pitch workers against those on welfare. 

I mean, the globalist environmental agenda requires a reduced population. What better way to reduce the population and not get blamed is to pitch two other parts of society against each other? The have-nots and the just have enoughs.

The just have enoughs are being taught to resent those on welfare. Why? Well, if the government ever wanted to reduce the population as part of their mad climate cult, who do you think will be first? Yep, those on welfare.

Already in Canada, the precursor for all things extremist in Government it seems at the moment, they are just preparing to approve euthanasia for mental illness

Bill C-7 in Canada seeks to approve the "Medical Assistance In Dying" (MAID). Giving it such warm terms as "dignity" "Compassion".

Of course, compassionate narcissists are the sort of people that will gladly hold the pillow over your face and snuff you out for the "right" reasons. They are the worst, worse still than Sociopaths and Psychopaths because Compassionate Narcissists truly believe it's for your own good. Whether you want it or not. "Take your medicine", "You're living such a miserable life, wouldn't you like to be relieved of your burden?", "It's for the benefit of others", "It's to Save the Planet". The justifications are manyfold.

These are the people you need to be very wary of, because they sound soothing and compassionate, all the while plotting the end of your life, for your own good, the good of the planet or (like in Hot Fuzz) for "The Greater Good".

You don't matter, you are a burden to yourself and the country. Just slip off quietly and do everyone including yourself a favour.

But relieving yourself of a burden voluntarily so often becomes mandatory. 

For the Nazis it was to cleanse the population and purify it. The reasons today are different, but the outcome is the same. 

Just you watch.

I can see the trend way before it even becomes apparent.

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Pandemic Amnesty?

 I've seen recently posts on a "Pandemic Amnesty".

For what?

For people prosecuted and fined for exercising their right to Freedom?

Or is it an amnesty for those that removed the rights of the people?

Those that forced people to have a vaccination in order to keep their job?

Those that produced an MRNA gene therapy and called it a "vaccine"?

Those that lied and said the "Vaccine" stopped transmission?

Those that lied and said it was effective and stopped you getting the virus?

Those that lied and said this "vaccine " was safe?

Those that sought to indemnify themselves and their companies against issues arising from the "Vaccine", up to and including death?

Those that suppressed the truth about the origins of the Pandemic?

Those that removed dissenting voices about the pandemic?

Those that locked down the population under pain of fines?

Those that almost bankrupted the economy to pay for Furlough when there was no need?

Those in authority that panicked and lost all sense of good judgement?

Those "advisors" that kept feeding the government doomsday scenarios instead of the truth?

Those that didn't actually follow the science?

Those that took power and refuse to relinquish it?

Those unelected beaurocrats that effectively controlled the population?

Those unelected elite personalities that continue to give bad anti-democratic advice?

Those that continue to mandate vaccination when it is proved not to be effective?

Just who do we pardon with this amnesty. So many have trampled over our rights, so many have worked in their own interests, so many have sought to gain benefit, so many have sought to increase control over the population.

There can be no amnesty to soothe the conscience of those that did wrong. Those that know they did wrong and those that must accept guilt for their wrongdoing.

Friday, 11 November 2022

Vote-Winning Policy for UK Political Parties.

Okay, looking realistically at the current government, we're now stepping into the campaign for the next election. This "Conservative" government couldn't manage the proverbial in a Brewery, so they're done. They're toast.

The thing is, what would a true Conservative party offer?

Well, smaller government is one thing. Previous governments have required ever more tax revenue in order to provide fewer services. Because the cost of those services increases year-on-year. Now we are looking at paying more tax than we did in the Fifties, with smaller armed forces than back then, no civil defence force than back then, you get the picture.

Then there's the "invisible" or indirect taxation: pay and display parking in towns, paying small fees for local council services like registering to use refuse dumps, libraries, prescription fees, etc.

A true Conservative party would reduce the size of government. Cut the civil service down to the bare essentials. It would star a campaign to reduce public sector administrative pay. All those senior "executives" in councils getting six-figure salaries needs to be stopped. The money should go to those at the sharp end, not those at the top. You go into public service to serve, not to feather your nest or line your pockets.

A true Conservative party would end illegal immigration. By any and all means. If it requires us to leave the ECHR, then so be it. The easy response is the ECHR cares more for the rights of those outside the country rather than the rights and wellbeing of those that live here. We shouldn't be "required" to pay billions to house these migrants because of their rights. Instead, those billions should be spent on those already here. Families in poverty, those with disabilities. 

We certainly shouldn't be putting up with the lawsuits that make out that army barracks aren't good enough for the asylum seekers. They've apparently come from distress and hardship, so they should be glad of any support, not demand four-star accommodation. That is taking the piss. Especially when the best that homeless families get is B&B accommodation. 

Another thing a Conservative party should offer is less intrusion into our lives. Less regulation, less nosey-parkery. There are aspects of my life that the government do not need to know about or get involved in.  

The same goes for the Banks. My colleague just bought a car. The bank denied the Bank Transfer. Whgen he phoned up they asked him all sorts of questions: what colour is it? Is it MOT'd,? Where did you find it? I'd have told them to bugger off. 

I had a similar situation a few years ago when I wanted to withdraw a grand in cash from the Bank. No, they didn't have that much money in the bank.... Can you believe that? My mother wanted to deposit £500 into my account at my branch. Not somewhere else, or a different bank. Nope My Bank and my branch. They refused to accept the money.

This intrusion has to stop.

A true Conservative party will champion less intrusion and more concentration on what really matters: Crime, Education, Health and Welfare. Everything else: fuck off out of my life.

A true Conservative party will champion help for those that help themselves: it will make it easier for people to start up small businesses. It will abolish the heinous IR35 rules, so that anyone that wants to take the risk can work self-employed. There will be no blurring of "Gig economies" and PAYE. If you are self employed, you do not expect to be paid holiday pay, sick pay etc. But by the same token, the remuneration will be enough to cover that. Companies employing contractors would need to pay a decent rate and not use self-employment as an excuse to pay lower than the minimum wage.

Not one mainstream party is promoting the policies above. None of them, including the current so-called Conservative party actually support Conservative policies. They are all big-state, big-government, Big-tax parties. They want more of your money and more control. In effect you are paying more money for them to interfere in your life more. 

You must be a little bit mad to vote for that.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Russia Pledges to Withdraw from Kherson. To Nuke it?

As above. If I was a citizen in Kherson I would leave the city. There has been talk of Nukes on both sides and some sort of nuclear event in Kherson would deny it to Ukraine.

Alongside that Russia could blame the West, probably saying the West had supplied nukes to Ukraine in defiance of previous agreements.

This can't be a simple withdrawal by Russian forces. 

Hypocritical "Stop Oil" Types Should Take a Look at Themselves.

The "Stop Oil" protests keep happening, despite them not getting any traction with the general population, who just think of them as entitled cunts.

I mean, every one of them appears to be middle class, most likely studying sociology, or some other useless degree at Uni. Being middle class, Mummy and Daddy can probably afford to ride out the current financial and energy crisis. They might have (God forbid) have to sell one of their soul-salving Teslas, but hey, sacrifices have to be made. At least they can still afford meat-free meat to show how virtuous they are.

Not one of them is working class. Because they would quite rightly get a slap from their families, or be told in no uncertain terms not to be such a cunt for daring to suggest that fuel and energy should be cut so the price goes up even more. Poor Granny is already struggling on her pension, she doesn't need Kevin gluing himself to a road and suggesting she should pay more to heat her flat.

I dare to suggest that they are on a hiding to nothing. But as we know, if they made enough noise, or follow the WEF agenda that 0.00000001% of the population can affect government policy. Fuck those that actually vote for politicians.

Right now, the majority of the country want the government to stop being compliant sheep, tell Klaus Schwab and the UN to fuck right off and we'll not entertain ANY of their demands to reduce carbon production if it affects jobs, quality of life and living standards. 

You want lower carbon, go tell China. Actually Kevin, go glue yourself to a Chinese motorway and see how you fare, you fucking knob.

Republican Red Wave Fails to Swamp the Democrats in the USA Elections

Yet again, the Republicans have over-egged their chances prior to elections and once again their predictions have failed to materialise.

Just like in the Presidential elections, the predicted "Red Wave" in the samate and house have failed to materialise.

The reasons are many. It could be that Republican voters thought it was such a certainty that they didn't bother to vote. It's pretty sure that the Democrats have a better way of galvanising voters and getting them into voting stations, citing the "threat" of Trump and stating rather insanely that if the Republicans get in they will kill children.

Of course, we all know about Democrat confession through projection. So watch out America!

Anyhoo, the Republican supporters only have themselves to blame. Instead of predicting the Red Wave, they should have been telling Republican voters the horrors that await America if the Democrats stay in control. 

The recent Republican successes around abortion law may also have put off more moderate Republicans. 

Who knows. All I know is the Republicans look like they have egg on their face. Again.  And the excesses of the Biden administration may be allowed the continue unchecked.

And the Republicans only have themselves to blame.

Trans Rights Charity Upsets the LGBTQ+ Applecart with Lawsuit.

 I was reading this Telegraph article with some interest. 

In a nutshell the Children's Trans Rights charity Mermaids has taken the LGB Alliance charity to court, ostensibly to strip them of their charitable status because it spreads "Transphobia".

The Radical Conservative opinion is cheering along because it shows the LGBTQ+ community, the wokerati and the radical left eating itself as different factions vie for their " 'uman rights ".

But the reality is slightly more subtle.

Basically, the LGB Alliance is of the view that you can't change biological sex. A pretty sound scientific base to stand on I would have thought. But Mermaids doesn't like that because it goes against their ideology.

I'd have thought science and biology trump ideology any day. But we'll see. Courts are very strange places these days.

This is a lot to do with the ideological fight for children. That Mermaids are of the opinion that anyone professing an attraction to the same sex is trans and should therefore transition. LGB Alliance saying that's harmful to the child and same sex attraction should be supported because the kid might not be trans. 

At the very least, there shouldn't be glib assumption either way, but a very detailed investigation should be made into the child's psychology and the reasons for their attraction to the same sex. Transitioning "just because" is provably harmful, especially when it goes against the actual psychology of the child.

The child may be trans, it may be Gay. But the child should be supported and allowed to become whatever they desire without political or ideological pressure from a supposed charity.

The LGB alliance seem to be taking a more supportive and relaxed stance on this. Basically let the child decide, all in good time.

Mermaids appear to me to be taking a more ideologically activist stance, trying to actively win the hearts and minds of children in order to "swell the ranks", normalise transitioning and I suppose justify their charitable status. Anyone in their way (for instance saying why can't the kid be gay?) gets trampled or sued.

I know which stance I'd prefer to support.

Mainly because forced transitioning by any means reminds me of the forced transitioning of gay men to women in the Middle East and elsewhere. It's an ideology that should have long since been abandoned.

Just another example of Trans Radical Activists trying to gain ideological dominance. You have to ask yourself why that is. Why not just let children and adults decide organically whether to transition? Why do organisations like Mermaids and the now discredited Tavistock centre have to push the trans agenda so radically? It's almost like they are being told to do it. And then that makes you think why? and by Whom?

Yet another example of the Trans Rights Activists kicking the doors in of established science and human rights. You don't gain rights by trampling on the rights of others. Doing so instantly removes your legitimacy in my book. Have some respect.

Friday, 4 November 2022

Renewables Still Fail Despite Ideal Weather

 No one can deny the past few days have been extremely windy. So you'd think that renewable energy would be taking up all the load now and we can finally ditch the fossil fuels.

Er, no.

In this graph you can see that wind (the light blue bit) made a good fist of it, but despite winds approaching speeds that would cause damage, wind only produced 56% of our energy needs.

Interesting that Nuclear (the Grey Smudge at the Bottom) tracks wind, producing more power when the wind is higher.

Then of course the wind drops (as it does) and bam, the Orange stripe of Gas takes over, showing the failure of renewables even when there is favourable weather. 

Don't get me started on the inconsequential yellow smudge of solar around lunchtime. It's getting into the depths of winter and extremely short days. At this latitude it shows how much of a nonsense solar is.

I did the maths on making a solar-powered boat on the canals. I just wanted to go as an example 5 miles a day. In order to recharge the battery in a reasonable amount of time I would have had to have a solar array the size of sails directly pointing at the sun. Because the actual amount of realistic solar generating time in winter is about 4 hours if you're lucky and it's not overcast. 

Pumped Hydro (purple) does it's usual thing around dinner time.

Finally, the real shock is the pink band of the French Interconnector. We were actually taking about 5% of our energy needs from them. In fact, we were taking energy from all our European interconnectors rather than supplying energy, which we were doing in the summer.

In fact the graph above paints a dire picture. We are nowhere near getting all of our energy needs from renewables and sadly gas fired plants will be carrying the burden for quite some time. It also shows we are nowhere near self-sufficient when it comes to energy generation. We are still relying on our European interconnectors to supply a significant amount of power.

The last puzzling fact is we never switched on a Coal-Fired power station. Coal-Fired energy stayed at 0.00% all day, instead taking 5-10& of our energy from abroad. 

Now can anyone let me know if that's practical or not? Is French energy cheaper than coal-fired energy? 

"Risk Averse" Emergency Services no fit for Purpose.

Let me start by saying the people working at the sharp end of the Emergency Services do a great job, under sometimes difficult circumstances.

But the Manchester Arean Bombing enquiry shows there is a lot to be desired when it comes to management.

The risk-averse culture of management prevented emergency workers tending to the injured and dying. 

This management culture comes up time and time again. I just wonder where it comes from. You know, incompetent Managers being promoted above their ability.

It used to be called the old boy's network, but now there are other organisations involved in greasing the wheels of management in the public services. <cough - Common Purpose >

Incompetent senior and middle managers caused this problem. Lack of communication caused this problem. Lack of common sense caused this problem.

This article lists the failings. It beggars belief.

And all the while I'm sure the operators on the phones were telling the victims and their families that help was almost there. When in fact it was parked well away from the arena. 

Monday, 31 October 2022

Immigrants. Just Ship the Fuckers Back. I don't Care any More.

Right now we have the usual virtue signalling, lefty twaddle. Some bad man threw a petrol bomb at an immigration detention centre, then killed himself.

I can understand the feeling of desperation that brings a person to do such a thing.

The government is now storing up a huge feeling of anti-immigration resentment in the population.

Outside of the immigrant bubble, people are genuinely struggling. People outside that bubble are regularly denied support. 

Immigrants get pocket money regardless if they are able to work or not. Normal citizens have to prove they are actively seeking work to receive benefits.

Immigrants receive free NHS dental treatment. Normal citizens don't get free NHS dental treatment.

Immigrants are automatically housed in a reception centre or a hotel. Normal citizens are denied free housing. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many homeless on the streets.

The immigrants expect to be housed and fed and cause trouble when they aren't. The sense of entitlement is palpable. Just get across the channel and they will supply everything for you.

These double standards have to stop before there are serious incidents. The incident at the weekend is only the first of many as ordinary citizens are denied access to services and housing.

Had the UK the money and resources to give all their citizens free housing, supply them with free health and dental, and give them some pocket money on top, then I'd have no issue with extending that umbrella to immigrants.

But we are not the land of milk and honey. Our resources are not infinite. Our own citizens are homeless and in poverty. Yet we still allow immigrants in at a rising cost of currently several billions of pounds a year.

I've lost all sympathy with the government, the do gooders and the immigrants themselves.

Enough is enough. We cannot and should not be held to ransom by the traffickers.

We should not be expected to house immigrants at huge cost. Especially if they are coming from a safe country. We should not be expected to house them simply because they prefer to live here. 

They have other safe options, they passed through several safe options. The rules need to be changed to reflect that in their status and the expectation to house them. 

If they come through safe countries, then they are not refugees. They are not escaping persecution. They did that when they landed in Greece. They did that when they travelled through Italy, Austria and France.

Put them under armed guard, load them on a landing craft and drop them back on the beaches of France.

If the French get uppity, arrest the Captains of the coastguard vessels for trafficking. 

I don't care if the vessel is in French waters. It is trafficking. I don't care if the people in the dinghy have family here, I don't care if we are seen as an international pariah.

I. Don't. Care.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

The End of the Permissive Society

In Somerset this week, the Police in Somerset were called out. The helicopter and Police dog units were called out to apprehend a man.  

Was he a murderer? Was he a rapist? Had he stabbed someone?

Nope. In This report, the man was arrested for wearing a Gimp suit. The charge being causing distress to the community. I assume they will actually charge him for a public order offence. Can the Police be arrested and charged with causing me distress for the amount of money they wasted on finding this guy for his non-offence?

So now we can't walk down the street in a Gimp Suit without the Police getting involved. Now I thought we lived in a permissive society, that we could do anything we liked and as long as it didn't harm anyone, we are free to continue without interference from the Government or Police.

Well, this report dispels that myth then. 

Instead if Edna the curtain twitcher gets offended or a bit scared by some guy in a Gimp suit walking down the street then he can be arrested. 

I do muse about his choice of clothing. Maybe next time for Halloween he needs to dress up as a Drag Queen. That'll be a protected activity. Or maybe the LGBTQ+ mob need to add another G to their list.

I hope this Halloween that there will be a large number of Gimps on the street in solidarity with this chap. Let's stick two fingers up to the Police, let's get a Gimp Army on the streets. Maybe whole families of gimps: Mummies, Daddies and little gimps.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Rishi Sunak is Part of The Problem, Not the Solution.

Interesting viewpoint in this video. Some points I've not made, but they do align with my thoughts about the man.

We are in desperate times when the man who oversaw the start of the problem, failed to correct the problem is now elected on a platform to solve the problem.  If Labour had any nous, they would push this point home time and time again.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Vote for Who You Want, But We'll Still Get Our Man in Place.

As predicted the globalist Rishi Sunak was anointed leader of the Conservative party and Prime Minister by default. No contest.

So up yours Conservative Party members. Vote for Truss, get Sunak. By hook or by Crook.

Just like the Irish vote on the EU constitution, if you vote the "wrong" way (for them) they will engineer the means by which the correct result (for them) is in place.

Vote again, vote rigging, postal ballots: the whole Political system in this country is corrupt and broken.

Rishi has no mandate, has no legitimacy. He wasn't even voted in by party members. The definition of a stitch-up.

The globalist elites have their man in place. Expect the poor bashing to continue: Austerity 2.0 will happen.

Let's make no mistake this is a mess they created. This is not about Brexit. This is not about Putin. This is not about Covid.

This is decades of printing excess money and relying on cheap imported labour to keep wage costs down and cheap Chinese imports to keep inflation down. We have decades-worth of inflationary pressure to work through the system. 

The energy supply issue is compounded by successive governments going eco-loony and relying on gas to prop up renewable energy. Because gas-powered generation plants are the only ones able to quickly switch on and bolster the shortfall in renewable energy as the wind and sun wax and wane. 

There is no quick fix solution. This will be a long slog, make no doubt about it. 

And by the way Sangita Myska, when I say "globalist", I DON'T mean "Jewish". Rishi Sunak isn't Jewish, but he is a one-world government globalist. Jeremy Hunt is the same and is Grant Shapps. They are not Jewish as far as I'm aware. 

Finally, Klaus Schwab, the arch globalist in chief and head of the WEF is also not Jewish. 

Sangita, "Globalist" is not a euphemism. Do not confuse your own personal hangups with the truth.

Do not change words when that word is used to identify a latent threat against the poor. We will not be swayed in our targeting of the elites, the one-world globalists that think of us as fodder for their profit-making enterprises. Whether it's the meat grinder of war, or the meat grinder of industry, working for almost nothing and ending up in working poverty.. 

It's time for the poor of this country to push back. Not by voting for Labour, but by voting for a party untainted by the corruption that pervades Parliament.

We did it before. The reforms after the Victorian age brought in education and took the children and women out of the mines. We will not go back to those times, nor will we become serfs serving an elitist nobility.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

The One-World-Government Globalists Fight against the UK public After Brexit.

Since the end of World War 2, there has been a pressure from the elites towards a one-world government.

Both World Wars had proved to the elites that although war provides lots of opportunities to make money, it would be a better idea not to ride the peaks and troughs of war and peace and instead have a long period of peace and expand markets to unify the trading world.

The great depression was the wake up call that solidified their desire to sort the world out as soon as they could.

The birth of the United Nations was a step towards the goal of one-world government as all Nations signed up and effectively became subservient to it. It also spawned other organisations to standardise regulations, standards and the like. 

Initially it sounds like a good idea and most of the time it is, or was.

For instance global standards make global trade easier (think shipping containers, they are the same all over the world) and any new market that wanted a piece of the action had to fall in line, because if they came up with their own standards their market would fail. No one wants to try and fit a 15 or 25 foot container onto a ship designed to take 20 and 40 foot containers. No one wants to have to buy a new mobile phone when they arrive in a new country because they work differently. See, it's convenient.

Other regional organisations like the EU were formed and countries joined and benefitted from shared standards, measurements, legal procedures, etc. trade could flow seamlessly everywhere.

But, where the elites went too far is political unions. To them it's the next logical steep. First you become a trading union, then in order to solve disputes across borders, you layer a legal union on top to regulate it all.

And that's where the EU was up to the Nineties. Then at the end of the eighties and early nineties there was a call for a political union. after all, the trading and legal unions had been successful, so why not political union?

But here's where the elites went too far. They decided that getting (say) the whole of Europe to vote for a European parliament, with twenty or thirty different countries wanting different things, they would engineer a solution that would.... smooth out the process and remove pesky democracy and accountability from the equation.

Thus the European parliament didn't have any real power to create laws. Instead a higher organisation called the European council, made up of representatives put forward by European politicians would make the laws, to then be handed down to the Parliament to discuss and eventually ratify. Effectively beaurocrats, not elected politicians created the legislation and laws, they got handed to the Parliament to accept and then they would be signed into law by the member countries.

But this irked the people of the United Kingdom, because their tradition of common law is entirely different than that in most European countries. In Europe they tend to sign up to Napoleonic or permissive law, which means that everything is illegal, except that which the government allows you to do. In the UK the tradition is you are free to do anything you like except that which the government (elected by the people) deems to be harmful to the majority. 

The UK system of law is more flexible than the European one, and the UK has gained competitive advantages by having such a system. By comparison the EU legal model seems clunky and overbearing. You have to wait to get permission for something before it can be considered legal and you risk committing money to it.

The British never felt easy with the European legislative model. The lack of direct accountability, the inability to vote for the people making the laws, the fact that the legal framework was restrictive and peered into ever more areas of our lives, when we had been used to just getting on with things without government interference, came to a head in 2016.

In the years running up to 2016, a certain Mr Nigel Farage had run a successful subversive campaign to disrupt the EU by using their own rules against them. The elections to the European parliament were done by proportional representation. So all he had to do was get a proportion of the people to vote for his party (UKIP) and he would get seats allotted to it in the European Parliament.

While there he highlighted the futility of the Parliamentary organisation. The lack of real democratic accountability by the council the inability to refuse laws provided to the EU Parliament. In effect it was a talking shop, a façade providing an illusion of democracy. 

As an aside, this is how the elites control things. They provide the illusion of democracy, but when you peer closely at what is happening, you see behind the facade  and you don't see democracy. Not as we know it in the English legal sense.

Anyway, Ol' Nige puts so much pressure on the UK government with news of a European Army, an Eu-wide tax, etc. that the UK government takes a risky move. They announce a referendum on EU membership. A referendum they believe they can win. After all they have control of the media, most of the politicians are in favour of the EU political edifice and well, Nigel Farage is just a windbag and doesn't have the support of the nation. He's tried to get elected to parliament a number of times and failed. The elites thought they could manipulate the result without anyone knowing.

And then we voted in the referendum.

The shock on the faces of the Politicians was clear. The people in the media reading out the result were ashen. Whet was supposed to be a foregone conclusion was turned against them. Not by much: 52% for leaving, 48% for remaining. 

The elites didn't like it. Something, anything had to be done. So, there followed months of plots against Brexit and the people of the UK.

In Parliament there was unprecedented behaviour as Politicians tried to get a second referendum agreed. A second referendum in which we would vote the correct way. The shenannigans inside and outside Parliament caused a constitutional crisis. The Government was taken to court again and again, in order to try and force it not to enact Brexit.

The people saw this rightly as undemocratic.

Theresa May, the Prime Minister at the time, appointed a Brexit negotiator, David Davis. He was so good he negotiated a Brexit deal very favourable to the UK.

Theresa May eventually called a summit at Chequers and instead of enacting Davis' carefully crafted and skilfully negotiated Brexit deal, she decided to go with a deal decided behind Davis' back in a few days. It was horrific. MPs were called to chequers to sign off on the terms of the May deal. If they didn't they would be sacked and would have the ignominy of ministerial cars removed from them. They would have to walk down the mile-long drive of Chequers to the road, where hundreds of reporters were waiting.

Davis resigned that evening after taking the trip home in the ministerial car.

The cat was out of the bag and the terms of the May deal so far negotiated effectively handed power in the UK over to Europe. Northern Ireland was effectively annexed by the EU so it didn't quite belong to the UK any more.

Luckily enough there were enough Conservative MPs in Parliament that supported Brexit to oust Theresa May and install Boris Johnson as PM.

He promised a better Brexit deal. The people believed him and in 2019 the people gave him a landslide victory in the election with an 80-seat majority. 80 seats. That majority allowed him to get any legislation liked through parliament.

But instead the globalist EU lovers immediately started plotting against him. I'm even convinced his then girlfriend and eventual wife was installed deliberately in order to give him bad advice.

Numerous stories of his previous infidelities hit the news - none stuck. Ministers that he had installed were likewise compromised and removed from office, leaving him only globalists to pick from to fill the cabinet.

Then Covid hit. The whole time Boris was given unsound advice. Initially the health "experts" prattled on about natural immunity and kept the borders open. Only after Covid was established inside the UK was natural immunity was a taboo subject. The UK government saw the death toll in Italy unaware that the virus had been in that country for months and locked the country down.

Globalist chancellor Rishi Sunak began borrowing money to pay people to sit at home. A radical idea that initially saved and then later ruined the country.

Boris and the UK muddled through Covid, but then once the dust had settled and the virus was almost beaten, the briefing against him started again. This time he had had a party in number 10 whilst he had enacted laws that kept everyone else in their homes and away from loved ones in hospital. 

When his chancellor Rishi Sunak failed to support him, Boris eventually resigned and we endured last summer's tortuous and orchestrated Tory party leadership contest. Orchestrated so that the final two candidates were: The Globalist Rishi Sunak and the politically naïve Liz Truss. 

Liz Truss pledged to reduce taxes and and return to Conservative values. Sunak promised more free money.

Truss won the contest, became PM and almost immediately the globalists started briefing against her. The only respite being the two weeks of mourning after the Queen died.

As soon as the Queen was buried, the plotting restarted.

Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng, her chancellor came up with a radical emergency budget. They would freeze energy prices for two tears by paying the difference between the price being paid now and the price being charged by the supplier. They also stopped a raise in corporation tax, a measure that would have helped small to medium businesses recover after Covid.

Then Truss and/or Kwarteng made a mistake. They listened to their globalist partners. The globalists said they wanted a cut in the top rate of tax. If they got that, they would ease the pressure and Truss could continue helping those in dire straits due to rising energy prices.

It was a trap. Immediately they implemented the budget, the dropping of the top rate of tax was used as a cudgel to beat Kwarteng and Truss. Under pressure she fired her chancellor. In his place was  put the globalist Jeremy Hunt. Then it was quite clear that Truss was doomed. She'd fallen for the trap and been outmanoeuvred by the globalists. Then the home secretary Suella Braverman also went, replaced by globalist Grant Schapps.

It was quite clear that Truss had been beaten politically. A couple of days ago she resigned as well.

Now the Tories are having another leadership contest. The contenders are Globalist Rishi Sunak (again), Boris Johnson (again) and Globalist Penny Mordaunt.

See the picture emerging?

Since 2016 and their miscalculation, the globalists have burned this country to the ground politically in order to try and get us back on their globalist track. 

We are now left with two globalists and Boris, whom they've already outmanoeuvred once. 

I'm sorry to say the Brexiteers, the ordinary folk may have lost the political war. Since 2016 the political elites and their friends in the media have fought tooth and nail to reverse Brexit. They have schemed and plotted for six years now.

If you wonder why it feels like politics isn't working for the little guy, the ordinary person and even working against you, this is why. You are not mad, you are not alone. 

We will most likely find in a couple of weeks we have a globalist Prime Minister and a Globalist cabinet. I've a feeling we will see amnesties for illegal immigrants, we'll see wages suppressed, inflation will be bad and we'll be bled dry. 

The government will help, but will require it's pound of flesh in return. That's what the globalists want. they want you to be ever thankful for their intervention. All they want in return is your freedom.