Wednesday 9 November 2022

Hypocritical "Stop Oil" Types Should Take a Look at Themselves.

The "Stop Oil" protests keep happening, despite them not getting any traction with the general population, who just think of them as entitled cunts.

I mean, every one of them appears to be middle class, most likely studying sociology, or some other useless degree at Uni. Being middle class, Mummy and Daddy can probably afford to ride out the current financial and energy crisis. They might have (God forbid) have to sell one of their soul-salving Teslas, but hey, sacrifices have to be made. At least they can still afford meat-free meat to show how virtuous they are.

Not one of them is working class. Because they would quite rightly get a slap from their families, or be told in no uncertain terms not to be such a cunt for daring to suggest that fuel and energy should be cut so the price goes up even more. Poor Granny is already struggling on her pension, she doesn't need Kevin gluing himself to a road and suggesting she should pay more to heat her flat.

I dare to suggest that they are on a hiding to nothing. But as we know, if they made enough noise, or follow the WEF agenda that 0.00000001% of the population can affect government policy. Fuck those that actually vote for politicians.

Right now, the majority of the country want the government to stop being compliant sheep, tell Klaus Schwab and the UN to fuck right off and we'll not entertain ANY of their demands to reduce carbon production if it affects jobs, quality of life and living standards. 

You want lower carbon, go tell China. Actually Kevin, go glue yourself to a Chinese motorway and see how you fare, you fucking knob.

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