Tuesday 13 December 2022

Even Clearer: Interconnectors Supplying More Than Renewables.


Courtesy of GridWatch: Go look at their website

Well, that's an oops. The European and Norwegian interconnectors were supplying more energy than the vaunted renewable sources. 

Gas supplies the bulk of electricity (as always) and coal and Nuclear are doing their bit. But where is solar? Hardly registering on the chart. But it's winter in the UK; who knew? That solar only provides at most a third of the Summer energy.

Wind is the other star of the green firmament. Guess what? It's almost inconsequential. It's certainly beaten by the pink slice of French energy. 

During the night our European interconnects were supplying around 15% of our electricity whilst wind amounted to just 5%.

This is madness. All the Billions in investment we have put into renewables can't deliver when we need it most. This policy has to stop. 

We need to invest those billions in generating capacity that can deliver electricity whatever the weather, whatever the season. Not on some climate cult solution that doesn't deliver when we need it most and would have us freeze to death in the depths of winter.

As it is, the long-term predictions are for winters to get harsher. But the climate loons don't want you to know that, because it will scupper their lucrative little industry. The money train might stop.

Where is tidal power, I wonder? Where is the storage capacity to hold onto that energy ready for when we need it?

It. Needs. To. Change.

I do not want my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids to suffer the privations that this winter has foretold.

We need cheap energy, cheap enough that poor people can afford it. 

Stop the Net Zero policy unless everyone can afford it including the poorest in society.

We either do net zero together, or not at all.

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