Monday 4 January 2021


 It looks like Boris is going to announce a new lockdown tonight. 

Guess what Boris? It will be as effective as the last lockdown (Tier4) and the Lockdown before that (the November "Save Christmas" lockdown) and the lockdown before those two lockdowns (The "Save the NHS" three month lockdown).

None of which have stopped the spread of the virus.

Now Boris, if you are going to have a fourth lockdown, please can we have a "proper" lockdown? 

By that I mean closing the borders, closing the airports and making people entering the country to isolate in hotels for two weeks at their expense, like they do in New Zealand and Australia.

Without proper control of people entering into the country, how the hell can we control the virus? 

Lets have a proper closure of shops, or at the very least control of the numbers entering shops, like the original lockdown.

And I hope the government give up with this stupid notion of keeping schools open as well. Those little snot-breathing bacteria-farms called children will spread the virus as surely as eggs are eggs. And if not them then their parents meeting up at the school gates are a vector for infection spread.

Otherwise, without proper lockdown, what's the point? It will be a failure, just like the ones before.

Or alternatively, now we know that lockdowns (at least the UK version) don't work, lets not fucking bother and let all the people that have a 99.999999% chance of surviving infection just go about their daily business.

Let's stop fucking the country up for no apparent gain. Because Boris, you are quickly losing the support of the country. We can't keep going into lockdown after lockdown and still be where we were before.

You will lose the support of the people, the government will lose the support of the people. The Police and the NHS will lose support also.

I can quickly see the day when we lose all respect for authority in this country and the ensuing chaos will not be pretty. The Police have already lost the respect of the working class, it's quickly losing the support of the middle class too. When the majority of the population have no respect for the law, or the rules the government put forward (illegally, without consent of Parliament) then you have a BIG problem.

You have been warned. 

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