I posted a comment over at Sargon of Akkad's interview of Piers Corbyn (brother of Jeremy and climate specialist) here:
"I've blogged for years that the climate change business is a con. It's the biggest redistribution of wealth from poor to rich in history. All you have to look at is where the money actually ends up. tariffs are used to "offset carbon".
Sounds innocuous eh? But what "offsetting carbon" consists of is buying carbon credits on the stock market. The carbon credits are traded just like any other commodity by er, traders..those people who make millions on the stock market.
In essence it's making money out of thin air.
The money also goes directly to landowners to pay rent for wind turbines, even the Queen gets a bung from the offshore wind farms.
Then the big corporations making the turbines get the money, and the power companies get subsidies.
It's a bloody good confidence trick getting the whole western world panicked into shovelling money to already rich people.
The only people not benefitting are the poor people that can't afford to pay inflated energy bills."
The corporate and globalist takeover of the environmental lobby is worth an article in the press at the very least, but the problem is the press or journalists do not investigate this kind of thing any more. The press is already in the hands of the corporates as is the internet. Dissenting voices are bing silenced and no journalist who wants to stay a journalist will dissent.
It's bad enough that science has been hijacked by the corporates: no science is funded without some payback for the corporation or academic institution doing the science. It's hard for anyone to do any science which pushes boundaries or goes against "settled" science. God forbid that someone goes against the current narrative.
That is not Science as I understand it. Science has to be open and ready to be challenged. The theories are there to be tested and if necessary defeated and replaced with better, more robust theories. But corporations don't like uncertainty, they trade in absolutes. They don't want to spend huge sums of money on new theories (that may lead to lucrative patents) only to find a decade later that someone comes up with "better" science.
So, science is already corrupted by the corporates. The most prominent field being climate science. Some bloke who majors in Statistical science (and we all know the old adage about statistics) brings together some disparate data and then produces the so-called "hockey-stick" graph that purports to show that carbon dioxide produces global warming and that the increase in CO2 globally is increasing exponentially. The result of man's industrial efforts, so the consensus says.
But hang on... although there may be a link to CO2 levels and global temperatures, there has not been a provable scientific link that CO2 causes global warming: only that the two tend to mirror each other. It could be that warming causes an increase in CO2. It could be that something else is causing the warming. If something else causes the warming, it's especially bad if computer models rely in CO2 level in the atmosphere as the cause of warming. Because those climate models will miss the TRUE cause and result of any changes in the atmosphere and the scientists who are so cocksure of themselves could be leading us into a different sort of climate catastrophe.
The refusal to even converse with dissenting scientific voices and to call them "deniers" is dangerous.
Would you call scientists working to overturn Einstein's theories "relativity deniers"? No, the person provides a new theory and it is tested and if repeatable, it becomes the new doctrine.
Not so with environmentalism. The science is "settled", fixed in aspic and not debateable. But without the correct data being used in the climate computer models, we could be heading for an ice age, or a global drought or some other global event that we are not preparing for.
But science is not the only area the corporations have taken over. The likes of Greenpeace, once a worthy organisation has grown so big it now ranks amongst the biggest corporations. It has a corporate mentality and with it the corruption of ideas that corporatism brings.
It has swung fully behind the climate change pseudo-science.
Extinction Rebellion, notionally a "people's movement" is actually well-funded. Funded by whom? Well, the only people with the money to bring thousands of protesters into London (enough to almost close the city down) are the big corporations, or their beneficiaries.
Compare the numbers with a true people's movement like the pro-Brexit protesters and you can see the difference. The pro-Brexit protesters are financing their protest out of their own pockets.
The pro-Remain and climate protesters are well-funded and well-organised.
The object of all of this corporate activity is political control. In essence the corporates want no boundaries to their activities. They want political control of the population. They want to make the rules to suit them. The want consistent profits. They want no borders, so they can ship goods around the world with the lowest cost. They want to be able to make goods in the cheapest part of the world and sell it in the most expensive part of the world without any tariffs or hindrance of any kind that would affect profits.
They want a cheap workforce. Open borders allows them to ship cheap labour to anywhere in the globe without any regulations. If the indigenous population does not comply with open borders so they can't ship humans seamlessly into countries they need them, they will just replace the humans with the robots they are developing. It may take longer for the corporations to achieve their goal that way, but a worker who's initial outlay is fixed, who never asks for a pay raise and whose maintenance cost is predictable and who never leaves the company is the holy grail for the big global corporations.
You, squishy human, you are just in the way of the corporate steamroller.
Fight back now, while you can, while our political process gives you a mechanism to do so. The time is nearly upon us when the corporates have complete control. Brexit has taught us that we are almost at a stage where voting is useless.
We need to give the corporates another bloody nose at the election and claim back our country. For our children if for no-one else's sake.
Who Says They Have No Work Ethic?
A senior civil servant with *security vetting* was allegedly paid for three
full-time jobs by *different Government departments* – at the same time.
The ...
14 hours ago
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