Tuesday 5 November 2019

Lib-Dems capaign for change... but is it for the better?

It's reported that Jo Swinson, leader of the Liberal Democrats said today that the election in December could deliver "Seismic Change" when a "New and different Politics emerges".

Indeed it could if you vote Liberal Democrat.

It could usher in a new politics where the biggest democratic vote in the history of the UK is totally ignored.

A new politics where despite 17.4 million people voting to leave the EU, the political party voted into power will instead keep us inside the EU.

It ushers in a new and different style of Politics where the democratic vote is ignored. It ushers in a version of politics where votes don't count.

It unwittingly a new authoritarian age.

It also unwittingly ushers in an age where political change is not facilitated by peaceful democratic means.

That's not a new and different type of politics I want to have in the UK.

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