Thursday, 12 December 2024

Paedophiles in High Places: The Push to Sexualise Children.

The many people that have claimed to be child victims of senior figures, or those that say there are cliques of senior figures in the shadows having illicit sex with minors has long been classed as a conspiracy theory.

But the more you look in detail, the more to start to wonder if it is in fact a conspiracy. 

For instance the acceptance of senior figures that minors should be able to decide their gender and go through drug therapy and even corrective surgery is just one back-door way to sexualise children.

Because if kids as young as five they can decide on their gender and have corrective surgery of their sexual organs, then surely they are old enough to decide if they want a sexual relationship with an adult? 

The push by the leftists to call paedophiles "Minor Attracted Persons" is just another nudge to trying to normalise the activity, by alleging that the majority of people are attracted to minors, but don't actually go through with their fantasies and have sex with kids. 

Most people wouldn't see the connection, but I do.

The same goes for this week's debate on making having a relationship with first cousins illegal. If this, one of the last taboos was given the green light by government and not made illegal, then the next sexual taboo might fall. The taboo of having sex with minors. 

I'm sure that a certain diaspora that is currently arguing against making relationships with first cousins illegal would once they have won that argument, would then start to argue about reducing the age of sexual consent to comply with their religious beliefs.

All of these pressures come from the left of politics. The left of politics that in the UK was during the 70s and 80s associated with PIE (The Paedophile Information Exchange). An organisation that called itself an information exchange to make it easy to explain as an organisation that shared information on paedophiles and their activity. When in fact it was an organisation that promoted and campaigned for the legalisation of paedophilia.

The Wikipedia page for PIE makes interesting reading, there being several historical allegations of friends in high places. Or an amazingly clueless politicians, either in their previous work lives or as actual politicians.

This is where  the LGBTQ+ now comes in. It may be that the people advocating trans rights and the rights of children to affirm their gender don't know the history of where that pressure comes from, but it's quite clear the history comes out of gay rights activism and once that battle was won, certain factions that were still in the shadows of that activism are now using trans rights as a way to prove the rights of children to determine their sexual orientation and thence normalise the sexual rights of children.

I see it, but again there is an enormous blind spot on behalf of the virtue-signalling public as to what they are aligning with. 

The government is also implicit in this, but unfortunately the figures associated with the PIE activity decades ago still have influence in Parliament. So again, there is a reluctance to clean house and put a line in the sand to stamp this activism out once and for all. 

Let's be clear, minors are minors. Society has determined that children are off limits sexually. That should stand as a tenet for eternity. There is no scenario where sexual activity with a minor should be excused. Sure, there's the grey area of sex between minors which should be treated with education and sympathy, but between adults and minors should stay illegal  

Hopefully readers will understand why there individual pressures from individual activist groups should be resisted and pushed back against. The activists themselves may think they are advocating for perfectly admirable reasons, but they have failed to understand where the pressure is coming from and really understand where that activism would take the country if taken to its conclusion. Selfish activism (i.e. excluding future consequences) is not honest activism. 

Hopefully I've explained why I believe the things I do regarding this subject. Unfortunately there are still vehement radicals advocating trans rights who are quite happy to destroy lives on the altar of that activism. Sadly there are plenty of gullible people that advocate alongside them. 

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