Tuesday 15 October 2024

Great Replacement Theory: Far-Right Racist Trope, Conspiracy Theory, or Fact?

As above.

Just what do you call the falling of indigenous birth rates and an ever-increasing importation rate of people from everywhere else in the world?

Because whether planned or just by sheer incompetence, the government is allowing hundreds of thousands of people from everywhere else in the world into the UK. Mainly Muslims.

You can call it a conspiracy theory all you want, but the facts from the various government agencies are there for all to see.

At current rates, the UK will cease to be a Christian country in no more than two decades. Luckily I'll be dust by then, but my children? Grandchildren?

And why would the do-gooder virtue-signalling middle-class condemn their daughters and grand-daughters to a life as a second-class citizen? 

I think it's a very selfish attitude to ignore the implications for future generations so you can signal how virtuous you are to the rest of the world. 

I expect the global corporations to be cynical and just want the workforce replaced with cheap labour. You can kind of understand it's in the corporate interest to maximise profits.

But the virtue-signallers? I just don't understand. What do they get out of it? There's no monetary gain, the only benefit to backing the flooding of the UK with Millions of Muslims is just in the moment to can self-servingly appear holier than your neighbour.

It's an evil philosophy: that you would condemn generations of females relatives to effective slavery just to make yourself look good in the eyes of your neighbours. It's sick, and twisted.

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