Tuesday 11 January 2022

COVID-19: Project Veritas Unearth Documents about GOF contradict Fauci testimony and Support Lab Leak Hypothesis

It seems that the "conspiracy theories" about the origin of Covid-19 and whether America (and the rest of the West) were funding the research that created it are actually factually accurate.

It shows that Occam's Razor, when applied to any problem, usually provides the right result. When applied to where Covid-19 originated, the fact that it happened in Wuhan, very close to a virology institute, close to a lab that was experimenting on modified bat viruses... yadda yadda.. 

Now if proved true, these documents show the US Government knew how dangerous gain of function research was and tried to stop it. But the scientific community carried on regardless and actively funded what was going on in Wuhan by various back door methods. The scientists basically said "to hell with democracy and the political will of the people" and actively made steps to continue anyway.

The US scientific community found ways of circumventing the moratorium on gain of function research despite the instructions of political leaders. Ostensibly changing the definition of gain of function research to justify their actions. Semantics. Just by changing words. 

If true, this taints the whole US scientific community. 

The next thing to investigate the climate change industry, where billions of taxpayer's money has already been sunk into something that is quite possibly the biggest white Elephant or Scientific Con in history.

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