Thursday 13 January 2022

COVID-19: Back to Bat

Now that more truthful scientific information is coming out regarding Covid-19, it is actually quite interesting reading.

From what I've gleaned, it looks like the Wuhan Lab was looking into Bat viruses in order to come up with a vaccine so they could inoculate the bats and therefore eradicate some of the viruses that Bats in particular have the ability to carry.

Before I continue, if you investigate Bats and their immune response to viruses, it is fascinating to note they have a particular ability to lock viruses out of their cells, so the virus can't replicate. Instead it circulates round the Bat, trying various ways of getting access to the Bat's cells in order to replicate.

Viruses from Bats in particular may have the ability to be zoonotic because they may have gone through several iterations inside the bat as they try and get through it's immune defences. One of those iterations may well be transmissible to humans or other animals. 

Some of the nastiest and most transmissible viruses live in Bats. Obviously we have the original SARS and now SARS-Cov2, but also we have Marburg which has a 90% kill rate. 

So, there appears to have been a push to categorise these various Bat viruses and find ways to combat them. I'm sure there was a secret squirrel sideline in weaponising the "useful" effects of the viruses for biological weapons.

I now believe that the Wuhan lab was doing both. On the face of it categorising Bat viruses from around the world (which is where Australia's contribution from their own fruit bats comes in) and attempting to develop vaccines. But in the background, once the properties of those viruses was identified, they were being worked on to create weapons. Not at Wuhan, but elsewhere in China.

As part of the vaccine development, I assume they were using genetically modified strains of the virus along with genetically modified mice. The virus gaining the ability to infect humans and the mice providing a human vector for the virus to attack. The ACE2 receptor seems to be the vector used in the mice and the virus. The ACE2 receptor was found to be an Asian strain early on in the genetic mapping of Covid-19 so it all seems to tie together. This ties in with the latest revelations from Project Veritas.

The latest report regarding the evolution of the Omicron strain involving mice and the enhanced ability for Covid-19 to infect mice points to a mouse host being involved early on in the life of the virus.

Sadly, for whatever reason, the virus escaped containment. Probably because it is as transmissible as Marburg and we already know how deadly that has been to various lab technicians over the years.

Anyway, lab tech gets infected, gets sick, possibly infects other lab techs and the general population whilst out shopping and bingo! Your pandemic happens. The World Military Games being held in Wuhan at the same time only provided a means to spread the virus outside of China more rapidly. 

Certainly from the studies of historical samples of cancer patient blood in Italy that was done a year or so after the outbreak, Covid was in the wild in Italy around late August of 2019. It's obvious that the large Chinese workforce in Italy brought the virus there at a very early stage. The World Military Games were held in Wuhan in October, so you can bet that the virus must have been pretty endemic in Wuhan around that time. 

By November/December there were rumours already circulating around the internet that there was a new virus endemic in Wuhan. The Chinese authorities couldn't keep a lid on it and it's around this time the WHO started getting involved and the various intelligence contacts started flagging up the seriousness of the virus to the Western intelligence agencies.

Back then I was more involved in blogging about the election and Brexit. 

I first Blogged about Covid-19 at the beginning of February of 2020.

I had already been hearing about the virus for a number of weeks prior to blogging about it, with increasing horror. Back then I didn't know if it was going to be the pandemic it turned out to be, but it was by then already confirmed it was aerosol spread even if the WHO and Western Governments were in denial. China were spraying the streets, had lockdowns in force and were preparing the ground for massive pop-up hospitals or plague wards to deal with the numbers of infected patients.  About two to four weeks before we'd had the confirmation from intelligence sources about the severity of the virus in China, so we knew what was coming.

It's safe to say the response of the UK Government was abysmal. Two days after my initial post on the virus, I was bemoaning the fact that we hadn't closed our borders and we hadn't tracked down the contacts of infected people. I was already asking who pays people to be off sick, which turned out to be prescient because the government had to provide Billions to prop up jobs.

Now lets get to the media and the censorship of all things Covid-19.

From the Project Veritas leaked documents, it's quite clear that the benefits of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin along with other antiviral treatments regarding Covid-19 was confirmed relatively early on. 

The mainstream media and the tech giants need to hang their heads in shame for suppressing that information. It lead to huge loss of life. In effect they have blood on their hands. The next step is to find out where that suppression came from. Was it just an anti-Trump/Trump Derangement Syndrome thing? Where the media automatically shut down as negative anything Trump said was positive? 

Because if that's the case, the media really, really need to book themselves some therapy and get some help for their mental illness.

I mean, they would rather consign Millions of people to an early and horrible death, gasping for air, rather than positively endorse information that Trump espoused? That's sick. That's actually beyond sick, it's criminal that's sociopathy.

Even only a few months ago when Joe Rogan caught Covid-19 they still gave his use of Ivermectin a negative spin. Why?  

I'm at a loss after pulling all of this together. It's quite clear that the forces in play had (so it seems) ostensibly altruistic aims for creating Covid-19: the elimination of deadly Bat viruses. Doing so could have huge benefits for large areas of the Globe, making residential areas where bats overfly safer and opening up tourism opportunities in caves where large bats roost.

But the way they went about it bordered on criminal conduct.

From the outset they circumvented the moratorium on Gain of Function research (a critical component in creating the genetically modified bat virus that became Covid-19 for use with genetically modified mice) by changing the scientific definition of gain of function. Dr Fauchi may want to argue semantics, but what the scientists in Canada and then Wuhan did to the Bat viruses to enhance the human transmissibility WAS gain of function. 

If they embued a new function to the virus that it didn't have before, that's gain of function. But so is enhancing an ability it already had, or changing the ability so it is more effective in the human/mouse analogues. It is still Gain of Fucking Function.

You can split hairs for the reason and say it wasn't Gain of Function because it was used for a different reason or the Gain of Function wasn't the prime function of the genetic modification. But the outcome is still the same. The virus gained an enhanced ability to infect humans or human analogues in genetically modified mice. A virus that may or may not have been able to infect humans gained an enhanced ability. QED Gain of Function. Changing the scientific definition doesn't absolve one of the responsibility for one's actions, nor does it absolve one of the responsibility of killing millions of people.

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