Wednesday 6 May 2020

COVID-19: Racist Virus.

It seems the government is likely to fund a report into why BAME people are among the worst affected people when it comes to COVID-19 infection.

Minorities seem to be disproportionately represented in the number of people suffering acute symptoms and requiring intensive care.

"But why?" the intersectionalists shout. Well, obviously the answer is racism.. How else could it be explained?

Oh, it's the government's fault is it? Well, not people to miss an opportunity to push minorities to the front of the queue, the leftists are saying it's poverty, lack of opportunity, government's need to do more... yadda yadda, the same old shpiel.

You can't blame poverty, because that will affect both white and ethnic minorities alike. Poverty in all races affects living standards, diet, underlying health conditions, etc. all of which affect outcomes when it comes to surviving COVID-19 or not. But I'm sure the intersectionalists will quietly ignore that fact. Or maybe the intersectional agenda is poverty is a factor, but it affects the BAME community (ever so slightly) worse (just like it affects poor white people ever so slightly worse than middle class white people). They've done it before when it conflicts with their agenda. Nothing like ignoring science when it suits them. After all these are the sort of people that say the concept of time is racist.

But what if the BAME people themselves are to blame? That would be an interesting outcome eh?

Maybe it's just genetics? Maybe it's physiology. Maybe it's social reasons?

This is where the intersectional types implode, trying to push the narrative that the BAME community are just like everyone else and it's all the fault of institutional racism, whilst ignoring biology and social differences.

Dark skinned people produce less vitamin D when in the Sun. It's a fact that most carry some level of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D has a role in the immune system response, so higher levels of vitamin D may help fight the virus.  That's biology, it's not racist. Unless you're saying science or biology in particular is racist (see the comment about time above).

BAME communities tend to have households containing several generations. It's not poverty forcing them to do this, it's just it's more socially acceptable in BAME communities. We saw in Italy how this helps spread the virus to the older members of the community more quickly. Even middle class BAME families have lost older family members because three generations are in the same household.

So with increased risk from Age, increased risk of exposure due to societal norms and a deficiency of vitamin D to help fight the virus, it's no wonder BAME communities are hit harder. Interestingly though, they are factors they have control of.

Factors they could change for better outcomes if they were made aware of and the cause wasn't just a straight blame-the-government-game or some spurious claim of institutional racism.

The sad fact is that outcomes could be improved for the BAME community if only the facts were made available to them. Their COVID-19 outcomes could be improved by a significant factor.

But hey, it's not the first time the intersectional types have ignored science, or failed the communities they are supposed to represent. A few deaths to prove their (inaccurate) thesis are just collateral damage on the way to pushing their ideological agenda. Blaming everything on racism is just sloppy and does not serve the BAME community in any positive way.

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